but i remeber the name, and i saw it while on the gummi ship.
"castle oblivion" he said sitting down, "i think that that's my world"
"i'm fine i just fought more nobodies, they're tough, but i found this", he said showing them the picture "i know this place"
hey you can't really blame them, Quid said returning and bleeding, have you heard yourself?
Quid headed back to the gang while looking at the picture "....castle....oblivion"
*gets out gun*, no one post after this....................i win
Quid was on thr ground, catching his breath, he had beat the nobodies but he was wounded badly, while casting CURE on himself he saw a photo laying near him since when do monsters take pictures? he thought he picked it up and saw the castle he had seen before, those dusks somehow knew me, how else would they know i wanted to learn about this place?
Quid was at the top of the castle when some dusks appeared "Oh YEAH! BRING IT!" he shouted as he hit the first dusk to appear
Quid was running throughout the castle taking out random heartless, come on, why won't a nobody show up?
Quid went off to check out markets, but, got bored....so while on his way back to the bailey he thought that he'd just go through the castle one more time
oh good Naomi's back hey could you take her to the others? i'll be at the market
Quid thought, huh everyone's getting some new gadget,....... and with that he started for the market but then turned and said "to meet the others, come with me"
ya wanna come with? we can go anywhere on our gummi ship
well the castle is crazy, heartless everwhere
this is the bailey, it leads to the castle
ooc: srry computer problem yeah, i think this town is pretty good, cept for the crowds
Quid, nice to meet you he said shaking her hand
see ya guess we'll finish tomorrow
he need to be complete to face you
Quid got by the bailey and thought he saw Hana " Hey hana-....wait sorry, i thought you were someone i knew" ooc: talking to myoblivion