>: ) muahahahahahahahaha
*gets up like terminator *.............>_<......*pecks at LKX"s head*
((thx XD)) Quid shot out a dark blast as soon as he got up, but the sheild deflected it, then the figure rushed forward and grabbed quid's arm, it started to get cold, really cold "argh, let go!" quid shouted as he slashed the man's arm
*comes back as......................bird.........a............ROBOT BIRD!*
Quid ran for the hooded man as he summoned a big blue shield wha? quid thought as his keyblade hit it, the unknown man threw him backwards landing on his back
"..................................wha-?" *gets shot by emo-chan* >O<
*land on feet and breakdance spins with guns* :guns3: :guns2:
huh *breakdance kicks LKX* :guns4:
Quid followed him to a spot cornered by old buildings, "no where to run now huh?," he said as the man turned around "that's right..." he said as he got into fighting stance, "...lets go!" he said as he keyblade appeared and he charged for him
bwahahahaha! *breakdances* :guns:
Quid was heading back to town when a strange buzzing sound whirled around his head "what th-" he turned around to see the man in the black hood "you!" he shouted as he followed the man running farther to the outskirts of the city
.....................................*dances more* :guns3:
......................*dances* :guns2:
"well that's that" said Quid watching the defeated heartless' heart float away "well..back to town"
good, i didn't think i wanted to know
huh,...how do they? O_O
ahhh :guns: *ded*
CURSE YOU NARUTO!!!...........believe it
yeah nyxar is but now he's really just watching the final battle and waiting for his heart