lawl random thread
How did they get banned? >_>
What's half of 0?
Generally, a good stategy is to go into Dark Mode and then by pressing B twice, double jump and attack.
I idolize you now.
I voted for the couch. :D
I was SO tempted to vote DS...>_>
...okay? I hope you don't feel "n00bified" anymore, I guess. Enjoy the rest of your life.
Lawlz. "Yeah"
Good times...good times.
It's funny how the comment for one of my de-reps said "spaaam". XD
Lawlz. [fillerz] XD
Could you check who de-repped me? >_>
RPing is for people with no lives. ^_^
OMG! I forgot about them! >_>
Yeah, I just lost 3 points. But I can BET you I know who it was.
^Lawlz I know it's not that big of a deal. But they de-repped my post saying "This thread has a lot of posts." >_>
What the f***?!!? Someone de-repped me for no damn reason! D<
Lawlz... I already submitted my form 7 hours ago. >_>