Hmm.... [/fillerz] rol
It's a trick. ducky, you're horrible.
I got ridiculously pwnt with the red X. :/
Just because you don't know who voted for you doesn't make them random. Stop thinking so highly of yourself. Freakin' narcissitic.
I actually lol'd at that.
Well, it's sad to see you leave. :/ I mean, people in the chatroom kick me out all the time. It's just to play around, man. Don't take it so seriously, but if it offends could at least say so in the chat and ask them to stop politely.
What a shame. You don't have to take the chatroom so seriously. They just play around like idiots in there. :/
I'm so sorry man. Hope it's gonna be okay.
Are you moving from Bermuda?
Raku was the 10 year old girl who said her parents died and stuff. Her name looks like this : ラクシーヌ
Wasn't it obvious?
Boris was being a *** monkey and now is getting arrested. know nothing. Have you been paying attention!!??!
I'm not laughing. "lol" is just something I put in some of my posts to show bad grammar.
O.o fillerz lol
If you make threads like this, please put them in the Spam Zone.
Like crono's thread... yay?
Um...yay? [/FILLERZ yeah]
#5 : The effects go well with the stock placement, although the text could use some work. #6 : The effects are nice as well as the lighting, although a bit bright. The text is VERY nice. #3: The overall effects suit Axel very well, although the effects around his head could be extended to the rest of the stock. The ZC text could be placed next to "BURN!!!" so it's more evident.