That dirt must have steroids in it, because Xaldin is so HUGE.
I know, aren't I devilish! >:3
What's a Koopa?
I do understand it must hurt, but I'm female so I really don't care.
Imagine how much it'd hurt us to get forced to do something you don't like. Unless the guy said sorry then I'd have some sympathy for him...but that's the Amazon woman in us! >:3
I think you should wear blue more often, it brings out the color of your eyes, since I see it on your eyelids. :)
I try to close the door but my parents get pissed. Gosh, don't they realize how much I see? They don't believe me when I say I heard voices and footsteps in the hallway.'re not serious are you?
I hate listening to them. Every sentence is interjected with like.
Me too. And then I'd hightail for it and run.
I liked the staffs better for greater magic power.
I had a dream where I saw all these people in black coats, and they just glomped me and I was fighting. Then it ended. O_0;
Lol, I screamed when I saw that.
It's scary isn't it? It's like this handsome guy comes up behind you and then rapes, disturbia. o_0
There are so many it's annoying... Did you know people think I'm from Egypt?
Don't forget your Buffalo Chicken Wings. :cheers:
Then, he disappears, and you quickly hurry back out of the alley, and then a gang of demon wolves chased after you. WHAT DO YOU DO NOW?
I feel like that whenever I have my back turned in my house. We live in this huge two-story house and I think I've seen ghosts walking around in our house. Oh, and one time I was leaving the bathroom, and I saw this six-foot-tall black form standing beside me. I turned around and it was gone. LOL. Freaky, I think it was a demon...or a shadow...I don't know, it was just freakin' scary!
Lol, best thing ever said.