D: ksusan. c: I love sammies. <3 :v ohkei
That you have.
8D Avy: Tch. Given. 100/10 Sig: TtccchhhhHHHH. GIVEENNN 1000/10 C:
Avy: O: dats coool 10/10 Sig: lmfao(10)/10 XD
Teehee .
Ordinary Moment (B&b Remix) (Asot 255 Rip) «ø»EnigmaT Cut«ø» - Filo & Peri Feat. Fisher
D: Well.... >w> There's the.... innitiation... <: It's haaaaarrrrmmmllleesssssss. B|...
*poke *
:x Now it's... PUBLIC. :'D Welcome honey. X3 I'm so proud. <3
The Piano Knows Something I Don't Know - Panic At The Disco
Avy: Pretty pimp/10 Sig: 10/10 XD lol
D: Oh noez .
Not Now - Blink 182
In My Heaven - Negative
Let's keep the images PG, guys lol.
X3 Moulin Rouge <33333
Lol <3 Mistyyyyy
:'D Omfg, it's beautiful
Avy: X3 Cute. ****/***** Sig: X3 Cuterrr. ****/*****
Totes. ^ Awesome song, btw lol. Disloyal Order Of Water Buffaloes - Fall Out Boy