Haven't I heard that somewhere before...?
C: Hello and welcome to kh-v's. Glad you decided to introduce yourself and I hope you lurk n learn. X3 Oh and I also hope you decide to become a regular now.
lol I didn't know **** was censored either XD.
Lol I say the word "rents", too. Go to a friends house. If you're truly bored, you'll walk there.
^ D8...... Dooleedooleedooleee
:3 I've never heard of Vocaloids, I'mma have to check it out, the art looks cooooool. C: Favs: Voc #8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, AHH 15, 16!! And 17, 18, 19. :3 ._. And I love all Air Gear avys. <3 )8 I want to use one but I cannot decide.
D: I did after I went afk for a few months. xD; New in the world of HB: Hummmm... Well I'll be getting a car later this year which is pretty new....
Doot doot doot.
=\ Don't worry, I forgot once too.
._. That reminds me that I need to get some from them. ^ Secret Crowds - AvA
o_o *intakes air* D: Take that back.k
On the lappppyyyyy: http://i42.tinypic.com/dwe91c.jpg X3
<: Toollljjjaaaa. c: n kk
Kinda same here too. :/
8| The SZ shall decide.
=\ No. You don't get it. Tylenol > Advil. There's an obv diff.
=\ Amirite?
=\ Omg, no way. Tylenol > Advil...
xD Just because I used the cherry-scented marker. lol Thanks darkcloud. ._. I am a girl. ;_;