Totally you should. Life would be that much easier.
What, you think I'm not a dork?
=\ Oh wow. You can report that stuff, y'know. And lol I thought you were asian at first. :/ But you don't want to finish school? I think you can...
:x If you don't mind me asking, why'd you drop out?
Avy: D: Scary but still cool 7/10 It has potential to be cooler. :D Sig: She's cool but omfg it's too mega huge/10
xD; I'm such a dork lol.
Yep age doesn't matter much. :/ I wish I could sleep as much as I want. I have school at literally the crack of dawn, though. But on the...
:V ITZ CODYYYYY~ D: But.. but...... ilu & ur grphx. ;_; And omg I love them booooth. T_T But my fav color is blue. D: But I'll still link to the first one in my sig. <333 :3 THANKS CODYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
She's My Winona - FOB
Heyyyyyooo. We've already met lol. Welcome to kh-v's again, though. I'm HigherBeing, people call me HB for short. If you have any questions about the site feel free to PM a mod about it. :) Or me, I pretty much know how things work around here. And as always, I recommend the generic forum philosophy, lurk and learn. :D See ya rouuuunnnd n have fun~~
Homesick - A Day To Remember <3333
< 3
;O You taught me everything.
Bah. There are members on here well into their 30's although they're not as active as they used to be. And I'm turning 18 in July so you're not...
I'm pretty good. I'm in class now but school will be out soon n that's always awesome. So you're really 19?
:cool: Wut up. Welcome to the site. :3
Um, idk if you kno, but I married my daughter, Kay. <.<
:cool: You of course.
XDD I learn from the best.
Avy: lol 10/10 Sig: lol 8/10