:3 Lol OOHHHHHHH gotcha. ;3 urite.
Yep. I doodle.
Uh. I don't like to color drawings. I just doodle.
lol that was kind of like a one time thing. I'm not really an artist. I've just doodled all of my life and got better than most. XD; But I can...
:3 I don't photoshop.
Err yah. Hah. Thanks peeps. <3
Lol hai. I know your bf. C: WELCOOOOOOOME~~~~~ <3
Yuh. No problem hottie.
O_o No you have a weird grading system. 17 classes?!
:cool: Ok I can settle this dilemma. We'll both be dorks. :v
I <3 ur avy. Tre-cool. :cool:
Hay sexy.
I sense /b/.
Ease Up - Skindred
Omg me next. :3 I don't take a math or science. Only 3 years are required to graduate and I've DONE them. *cackles* American Musical Theatre - 106.2 Chorus - 100 Computer, College & Carreers - 100 American Economics - 95 Computer Programming - 87.3 - D: I fail. English Hon IV - 82.9 ;_; She's such a b*tch. N f*ck Shakespeare. ;_;
Good one lol.
D8 Wow that's pretty pimp just 'cause it's the Liger Zero. <3 :D lol bishplz. Ur wall is so elementary. /hand D: I wanna play it too.
Rude Boy for Life- SKINDRED
Alright so. Pimpest wall ever. ktnx. http://i39.tinypic.com/dmws3a.jpg <3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333
You hor.