It liek so will
Phase 4724947483738458447484748748474847 of my 487828234743895643564387345279865438965498654865498658943658435936458946584658946758946586489365964358648564398568943658934 phase plan for world domination is complete
. . .
On a forum I'm on I've been quarantined for threatening to leave...
Damn! :o
Its really wierd when he makes the key bow.
I know *edits gaia money* :3 *refreshes* NOOOOOOOOOOO T-T
well now you can. Go to any KHV page and copy the following text to eedit the page. javascript: document.body.contentEditable = 'true'; document.designMode = 'on'; void 0 it lets me pretend I have a cool name *glares at current one*
Dun diss ma bro D<
Id stalk rosey.
I'd do what I do on all forums I'm admin on and can get away with it add my signature which is a Affiliates Marquee picture bar and/or affiliates drop down bar.
no not rly.
what about 2k6? And you posted in one! Ngaah Hypocrite (as quoted by Zexion <333)
IOt was but I miss it for some reason.
If only T___________________T
ok... .
well If I wanted to change colours, I couldnt use the bar at the top or BBCode I had to use HTML If I wanted to miss a line for paragaphs I had to type in <br> If I wanted to change the font size HTML. I have printscreens on my other comp.
*headdesk* this thread is... ... yeeeaaaaaaahhhh... >_>
Y'know I miss when... The forum ****ed up my profile so I had to type HTML all the time.