What I gotta stop it myself? Oh man... *runs after uber mecha Sara* NUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!
OH SHI... *WATCHES RAMPAGE* Well... At least we didnt do it with Xaldin this time...
End up in a stupid fight with uber mecha KHV admins. The canadians. Hostages. Demons, and god kno.... Who knows what else
Man.... t3h sux... *un-summons uber mecha sara*
I;d stab you. And kill any carebears within a 10000000 mile diameter
We have stupid and possibly endless fight now?
IRL: My Tutor. In games: Zexion. Roxas. Riku. Kairi. In manga and/or anime. Light yagami.
I know I am.
Can I wait till tomorrow to run?
youd eat ****?
I'd eat you.
How Do J00 Know Meh Full Name? D:
They;re christians. Hell if I'll ever understand 'em :/
I'd stab you C=
They made it so I can only post in a special quarantine Area. And I have to wait for a mod to validate every post/thread, I'm not allowed to post polls or edit my profile.
... O___________O WTF??? *runs around screaming HE KNOWS MY NAME D:*
I'm roseys stalkers... all of them.
I'd play with myself.
On the off chance that anyone knows who has the e-mail oaktree@hotmail.com Please tell them to stop sending me vthreatening and intimidating e-mails.
I do >3