we do rat dissection. And cow eye dissection. And pigs heart.
I just found my denim jacket and it doesn;t fit any more. It took ages to sew the stuff on the back of there and I only wore it about 20 times (I used to wear it when I went as the pillion (SP?) in the back of my dads motorbike)
Is so famous people are naming themselves after her XD http://www.kh-vids.net/member.php?u=23529
IPraise .
... >_> Maybe :3
I will top your army. :guiltygearXpc37: *self portrait :3*
>_> . . .
AWESOME!!!!!!!!!! *Awesomeness moment* *turns on obituary* *windmill* *end of awesomeness*
... Neither? Well since I've never playd eitherr, I'll pick the one I've heard of before Volleyball Yaoi or Yuri?
O Rly?
I have two " I dont like it when juice wears tights" and "And there was this crab and it was like BOMBOBOMBOMBOMBOBMBOMBOBM (That was a terrible interpretation by me) and I rang up my friend (skip a bit) OH NO THAT WOULD MEAN YOUR SUPER DUPER GHAY!"
1. Kadaj is cool 2. He doesn't use Emo power (thats me lol) 3. He uses t3h materia.
1 ZP33l< 1337 : D 1 l2 73.-. PVV/-/Z0l2Z I actually used 1337 once to say something about my teacher without her being able to understand it.
kayz . . .
y hallo thar :3
... so.
exodus cos I've done that one OMG HOW THE HELL DO YOU GET ZORBAK TITAN (dont say DA)
I put in aidens "Nightmare Anatomy" C any song/CD requests?