Well first of all, I'd kick the bullies right where it hurts! :yelling: Second, what type of exam was it? Thirdly, you don't seem like your in a...
What's up? :D
Whoa...I've never felt like my buds were fading away... Why don't you just socialize more? When I moved, I was completely shy at my new school....
Why are you lonely? *huggles*
D= Depression?! I know what cures that! *huggles* How was school?
*glomps* What's up?
-Roxas logs in- What's up, ladies and gentle-peeps! :D Oh, and uh, Larxene.
Yeah, It's awesome! Thanks, nobodynerd! :D Hey guys, I got the day off at school, so I'm here all day.....except at six....me and Hayner are goin' skateboarding.
Cool, thanks! Bye!
Hey I gotta go, I left a little thing on the blog saying that. Can you take care of it if people come on tonight?
*looks at watch* Oh gosh! I gotta get home! Ollete's gonna nag me forever... *hugs Kairi* Later, Kairi.......thanks for everything....this might have not happened without you... *looks at Demyx* Later, Demyx! *goes to Namine* I'll see you at school tommorrow... *kisses* I love you, bye.... *Roxas runs out of the door* I gotta go. Later, Guys!
OC: DF is a boy, and roxasissomebody is taking his spot when he's off. Demyx, I'm kinda in the middle of sumthin here... *shoves Demyx and stands in front of Namine* Do you feel different? *takes Namine's hand and holds it gently*
*giggles and notices a light shining over his and Namine's hearts* Whoa...... *light leaves their chests, makes a heart shape, and returns to chests, then fades* Our destinies are intertwined...
*smiles* Your laugh is amazing... *holds paopu up, and bites it*
*blushes* It would be awesome if you say yes...
*reaches into pocket and throws a fruit to Kairi* I got one for you and Sora, too! *smiles, and looks at Namine, fruit still in hand* So, do you want to do it?
*giggles* I'm actually happy now... *looks at Kairi* Thanks, Kairi... *reaches into pocket and pulls out a paopu fruit, and hands it to Namine* Do you.....
OC: It's cool. IC:Namine...... *holds Namine's face and kisses her*
OC: I edited to go with your edit.XD
*hugs Namine* I'm sorry............. *looks up and looks intently into Namine's eyes, while holding her hands* I really do love you....