I need you to post your absolute favorite dungeon music, preferably from an RPG. Gonna mod the background music in Vindictus, and I'm just drawing a blank at what songs to use. Thanks in advance!
Yeah, that's correct
I have no idea.
Valve is the exception to all rules. They actually care about their customers, they provide quality products, and they make improved sequels. I will always love Valve. Portal 2 is much better than Portal, yes. As for the rest, I've only played the sequels and not the originals :P
Sorry to everyone for not getting my recordings in. Been so busy 0_0
If the turn player is the one controlling Grand Mole, he can choose which effect happens by calling priority or not calling priority, and vice...
Both effects happen at the start of the damage step so it depends on the turn player
Why the HELL do you play tag force 1 and 2? And from what I remember, Gladiator Beasts. I can't remember that far back before that, didn't play...
Now you see how a real deck works.
Thanks guys. I've also decided I'm doing the Lenin Statue one. I'll probably read tomorrow
Sorry, I misread Arc Gurren, I thought it said sent from the field to the graveyard. It's not approved.
All approved on the following conditions: Super Ultra Brotherly Combining cannot work like that. It must be rewritten completely. Here's an...
I will be reading this monstrosity. I'm not exactly sure how much of that thing I should read. The author decided not to put chapter headers or anything. So yeah. I'll also be reading Russian creepypastas in my amazingly "Immaculate" Russian accent. I'm not sure which ones I should do since there's so many. I definitely want to do these: And there's many, many more. I'm not sure how many I should read either, so I'll need your suggestions. Maybe we could vote on the best ones or something. Anyway there's some Here, and here(NOTE: ADS ARE OBSCENE. HAVE ADBLOCK. NSFW). And finally, we didn't discuss this in the meeting, but I would like to read this: If that's all right with everyone here
Fire away .
Which Voxli? Also is this meeting on Skype? I don't even.
And on that point, I can't argue, because I haven't played anything after MM. Except for Phantom Hourglass, which wasn't a rehash by any means.
You can say the same thing about so many Nintendo games though. I mean seriously just look at Zelda and Zelda II
But...you can say the same thing about many Nintendo games. I'll take OOT and MM again. COMPLETELY new story that gave it a much more foreboding feeling, obviously new villains, core gameplay changed to revolve around time and masks and generally be much more difficult, you play as 4 characters, Mask system was different from OOT, etc. It didn't feel like OOT at all to me. And I'm being serious. I could basically call everything you said "Bells and whistles" like you keep calling new features in Nintendo games, but that's not what they are. I think you're being a little bit unfair here.
Is that some kind of joke? Let me ask you again. Why don't you consider KH2 a rehash of KH?
I know it's not *original*, nothing is original anymore. But calling it a rehash is completely unfair. And no, that's not true at all. Beating the final boss of MM is impossible if you can't use the masks correctly. The mask concept in MM is not bells and whistles at all...it completely changes the gameplay of that game.