I'm going to get this when it releases in europe tomorrow. :'D I've played the demo and to be honest the demo was almost as fun as Assasins's Creed. I spent about 2 hours playing the demo. :/ The climbimg elements are extremly awesome.
9.9/10 fuck year styx
No response means half gentleman half human?
Am I Gentleman?
Well There's always christmas. :/ I'm gonna start saying now, i want thew new Ratchet the new Uncharted both FF's, Heavy Rain, White Knight Chronicles and TRICO.
I'd fuck year?
So It's like the Eternal Sonata port? Sounds awesome do want.
There's no 360 Exclusives? What's this? Edit: Jerome add Project TRICO to the PS3 exclusives list
Atlast made a few threads with a word per thread title and wrote "why the **** is TMM banned"
Did you notice that what Styx and TMMM is completly unneeded?
Disagree Agree Motorstorm is one of the best next gen racing games and those two are the only 360 exclusive rpg's that i actually like. :/ Edit, Let me rephrase that. The only 360 exclusive rpg's that i actually like except for fable 2
Heavy Rain,and the Motorstorm series aren't notable PS3 exclusives? and what about Tales Of Vesperia and Infinite Undiscovery? they're pretty notable 360 exclusives. D:
vids or it never happened
I'm a fan of Calvin and Hobbes actually but that didn't make me sad at all to be honest.
What's sad about the calvin and hobbes thing?
The only 360 Exclusives I like are Fable 2, Halo 3, Left 4 Dead, Tales Of Vesperia and Infinite Undiscovery. Getting kind of off-topic here but yeah.
good thing
Shart a stitstorm D:
I need to find that sig D: i made it myself :/ http://kayin.pyoko.org/iwbtg/downloads.php Yeah that's probably the most fun part tied with the megaman part :'D