Okay my opinion on Microsoft's press release go; Well first of all their exclusives, They get two new halo games on of them runing on the halo 3 engine, sounds cool to me can't say anything about Halo Reach yet, because obviously there was nothing to see really. Then Alan Wake, it sounds like a good adventure third person shooter kinda thing from what i saw maybe a bit horror? I don't know. I can't tell how good this will be but it's solid for sure. Then Forza, this really doesn't impress a bit since I really don't like those racing games. :/ FFXIII wasn't a big deal since it will probably be better for PS3 anyway (I hope this doesn't slow down the release ._.). Crackdown 2 sounds awesome. Do want. Left 4 dead 2? Already? Okay if it is as good as the first i'll get it over steam. Splinter Cell exclusive? Wow, usually Ubisoft does it like EA and releases everything multiplatform. Not that i care really, I never liked Tom Clancy games like Rainbow Six or Splinter Cell. Beatles Rock Band, one exclusive song, nothing big, not a big fan of beatles and will only get this game if my family gives me money to buy it since my family are big beatles fans. Modern Warfare 2 time exclsuive mappacks don't matter to me since I don't want to pay for mappacks in any game. Then MGSR good job microsoft you got MGS. I just hope none of this will slowdown or make the PS3 version worse. The XBL things like twitter is pretty stupid to be honest, they could have just made a browser and therefor include all those things. :/ Then Natal, while i'm impressed i will only believe untill i play it period. Same goes for Milo. They all love to exagurate, but in Microsoft's defense so do a lot of others. :/ tl;dr: Not that impressed overall
Pretty much ;_;
I always do for a few subjects.
i liked the pictures but i need a tl;dr for the text :/
Remember Atari? xD Also you used to be Darky like everyone calls you. You should change back to that D:
But they communist!
I laugh at this conversation.
Uhm guys what the fuck? look at this http://www.konami.jp/kojima_pro/next/index.html when the 8 is falshing the kojima symbol in the left corner changes into a mask and you get to this page http://www.konami.jp/kojima_pro/mask/
I don't think Kojima would let the hardcore MGS fans buy a ps3 for MGS4 and now a 360 for this. I'm pretty sure this won't be exclusive, i hope so atleast. D:
Yeah 13 or 14.
Inb4Gentlemanisaprettycoolguyanddoesn'tafraidofanything Oh yeah.
What you mean is Meg-death short for meghan-death? I must check them out. Right away.
Well you better have D<
you misplaced the a
Slipknot have 9 members, while 5 of them actually do things you can hear.
I'm late damnit. But yeah this looks great, It looks like they focused on gameplay elements with the rocket boots (were they called that way?) Anyway He seems to be fighting with that other lombax that was shown in the teaser.
Very high with Jerome and Cloud Super with Hayabusa http://www.last.fm/user/TheCh0sen0ne
Rick roll + the game? What have you done