You're just overreacting. Listen to everyone's reasoning, then just edit your post and keep going. There isn't a need to quit because you make alot of mistakes. It's natural for a human to mess up sometimes, it's how we keep evolving as we move forward in life. EDIT: ...Wait, you're quitting because you can't fit his character? Are you serious?
Not suitable to duel there? Dude, everyone makes mistakes. Even the best duelists make 'em. Don't think just because you make alot of...
Why'd you quit the arena? o_O
Why do you quit the arena? It was just one mistake. EDIT: Marik, that's wrong too.
You may want to read Victory Dragon's effect again.
I don't know Marik's current Life Points, but you may want to read Victory Dragon's effect again. Also, it's 'you win the match' effect only applies in 3-Game Duels, which is a Match. EDIT: Joey, ninja'd me. Damn it.
This'll get me more excited for when we duel. Let's see this power of yours.
Ah, okay. I understand then. Well, I'm not good with Attribute-Themed decks, so I can't help. Sorry, buddy.
Ah, okay. And sorry for not starting sooner. Got caught up in some work. -Draw Phase- Hand: 6 -Standby Phase- -Main Phase 1- First, by sending Bolt Hedgehog from my hand to the Graveyard: I can Special Summon Quickdraw Synchron! Then, I'll Normal Summon Tuningware! Further, I'll use the effect of Bolt Hedgehog in my Graveyard to Special Summon it. Now, I'm tuning my Level 2 Bolt Hedgehog and my Level 1 Tuningware to my Level 5 Quickdraw Synchron! 5 + 2 + 1 = 8 Clustering hopes will evoke a new horizon! Become the path its light shines upon! Synchro Summon! Dash onward, Road Warrior! Due to Tuningware's effect, I draw an extra card. I'll also use Road Warrior's effect to Special Summon another Bolt Hedgehog from my Deck in Defense Position. Then I set two cards and end my turn. -End Phase- Hand: 2 Field: - Defense Position
I know, but we aren't restricted to using our characters decks. I was just giving a suggestion.
Element themed? Attribute isn't really a theme. Nor a good one at that. Try to go for an Archetype. They're much easier.
xD It's not hard. You just need to have a good deck.
Hell, I just wanted to win. Thanks. And I don't think you've missed much, other than that.
Alrighty. What deck are you using? Just wanna know ahead of time.
Then I'll try to go as fast as possible.
Hey, after your duel with Cat, would you like to duel?
...It was destroyed when Rainbow Neos owned me. DON'T GIVE ME THAT FACE. Also: LP: 8000 Customs: None Anime Exclusives: Anime Polar Gods and Tech Genus Cards Video Game Exclusives: None God Cards: None Hand Refill: None First Player: Me (Because going first is pro.) Number of Cards per Deck: 40 Other conditions(luck based cards, handicaps, etc.): None
WHOA WHOA WHOA, WAIT A MINUTE. FEARLESS IS THE CHAMPION? The hell happened while I was gone.
I will have my revenge...! *hits the ground* *splat*
What is your obsession with cliffs?