how is she stupposed to win with a deck...not only having more than 40 cards... but no searcher. what is she going to do with a hand of: Skill drain, Friendish chain, swords of revealing light, gravity bind, Lava Golem, and another Skill Drain? hmm...Lets see... she cant summon Lava... Her cards have absolutely no use whatsoever. (except to stall...but gravity bind doesnt do anything to Xyz.) and if I have heavy storm, I win the duel just by using it.
Fred, just duel the girl. and: Mask of Restrict her and she dies. entire deck. no lava golem, no win. Xyz cant be stopped by Gravity. Heavy storm kills combo. its too luck heavy. with only 9 monsters. she cant summon Lava Golem without you having 2 or more monsters.
ok... *holds out hands between you two* how about, instead of argueing about how inconsistant this deck is... we settle this with a match on DN? Fred vs Nickname. this is obviously never going to end if we dont prove it.
I think theres a whole family of Yukis now..........
I...really need your help on something. ill wait till your done with this though.
Hes on DN right now if you want to ask him...
he gave me Scrapiron Scarecrow as his example of a defensive card. and he also said he wanted defensive S/T cards...whatever those are... Really, its about how you use it, not the card itself. a defensive duelist uses anything defensively...(for me im balanced so im both.) But have the potential. it depends on the duelist.
well...depending on what deck Rienzel is going to make... its just that... its kinda hard to find "defensive" cards when hes asking for them while using a Dark World Deck... Dark Worlds are supposed to spam enough monsters to where they get a fast victory or at least have powerful beatsticks on the field for protection. (which is almost always now, since Grapha was made...)
He asked me to name a few Defensive cards... it seems he doesnt really get what I meant when I said that Defense=Offense.
that depends what you mean by "defensive"...
/Sees Jaden going on about ratings* The most dangerous players aren't the ones who have high ratings...but the ones who dont. Look at me, I dont have high ratings and I won against you a few times. you're saying I, a person lower than 400, is better than a person that is? I don't see you raging that much when I beat you...
*sees you on* this feeling of joy is unnatural...
Fixed. lol
what are you talking about... I owned you a lot of times already. (rubs it in.)
I knew it... Axel died and was taken over by...YOU! LEA!! I mean they suck...In a Good Way.
Axel...I thought you died..helping Sora... unless...YOU'RE NOT AXEL!! Fred... for some reason... I actually missed you o.o (only if it was just a few hours lol...) does this seem weird? cuz it sure does to me.
I dont actually use, I Test when I get the chance to add new cards in and make a deck better no matter what deck it is. and dark world does indeed suck. but I would never leave any of my decks weaker than anyone elses... I take pride in deck building no matter how evil they are!
hmm..its in this thread somewhere... I swore I saw Aqua post something about you getting mad about losing to his 60 card deck...may be wrong though xD
Again. Hypocriticle...(I can't spell..I swear...) why would you say something like this when you yourself has lost to Aqua's 60 card deck? at least thats what I remember.. mean the actual card... well..its getting late here so...*afks*