its ok... but that only makes you "UN-beatable <3"... *dun dun dun* Lets make this simple... my list is all of the past lists I just seen combined... Edit: oh..I was also on DN for 8 hours apparently.
oh, I only cared to think about its nuke the field effect.. anyways, Duel on DN?
how are you going to switch my defender to attack........
Your LP: 900 My LP: 1300 you summon ancient sacred? o_O or BLS?
who wants to have an easy win? I am testing a new deck I just made. *glares at Fred*
Well...that Tournament went nowhere lol... (the tournament that happened on DN.)
*is on DN refreshing your name over and over* lol...
Burn decks can murder Ancient... BLS's atk doesnt get ruined by its own effect. plus its harder to summon than BLS. plus it cant remove a monster from play once per turn. plus it cant attack twice per turn. I wanna duel! me me me!!
The thing is... BLS is not to be used unwisely >_> usually if you see someone summon him, its over unless you have a battle fader lol...
BLS is much more easier to summon than a Quasar or Halberd...
its not how many cards there are to stopping BLS... its how broken it is compared to synchros...its just...WAAAAYY more broken than synchros...
I actually get better at things the rustier I get lol... its weird, I know xD I have to agree though...BLS is my new enemy until it gets rebanned.
I would design my own Dark World deck... but I dislike them for some reason... I can use them pretty well..just dislike them... For the mean time, ill be joining forces with my enemy...Synchros... to fight off the more evil card...BLS.
but again, not going to pay 100-200 dollars for "1" card. Edit: and yeah..I said that wrong... I mean, tour guide IS good but im not interested in it all that much...
*waves around $5000.00* Problem? *trollface* its a free rank 3 monster is what it is... I should have said "Tour Guide costs too much just for a free rank 3 monster." plus I dislike using Tour Guide cuz of the same reason Nemesis stated earlier... Its just too overused and boring. Also, if you look at the word "Broken", add an extra "o" and replace the "e" with an "ly"... you get Brooklyn :lolface:!
If...If.... If... If I was there... I would buy the store... (cuz I can LOL...) Edit: Not the store itself of course xD
I............. someone would trade a tour guide from the underworld...for 25 cents...
what? Tour guide? BAHAHAHA!! as if that was possible. unless the guy selling it had no idea of its value. or it just came out.
those arent cheap... Tour Guide from the underworld costs 100-200 dollars... for 1. and there are plenty of other cards that cost louds of money...which im apparently going to get too o-o... Edit: NOT tour guide...tour guide sucks+costs too much for 1 card... Extra deck is a different story though >_>
oh yeah, like thats avoidable. School. wasnt it you the one who said they had 5000+ childrens trading cards in the first place? >_>