Ooh! Thank you very much :]
Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BemJoR9iZbs Time: 00:15-00:20 Default please :3 Thank you so much <3
Please, I want to make a gif, but there's no images of Toothless on the internet. Does anyone have any or know where I can get them or make my own?
When people don't put a new roll of toilet paper on the toilet paper roll holder after a toilet paper runs out. When my family doesn't feed my cat when I'm not home for a week. Being ignored. People leaving empty food boxas/bottles in the pantry/refrigerator.
Females: 1 Demonchick25 2 Skittles 3 Spunk Ransom 4 Rissy 5 T A F F Y シ 6 Technicolor Pulse 7 Reptar :D 8 Catch the Rain 9 Bareri~San 10 Aura Males: 1 Coyote Starrk(ArchAwesomeman) 2 Janime6 3 Renegade 4 Nanaki 5 Sonic the Hedgehog 6 What? 7 NOISE 8 Vivi's Dark Side 9 LilBueno 10 Destiny's Force
Wowzers. I had no idea people actually liked me O:
:why?: .
Hello 8D
Guys. I just ate an apple.
WTFOMGAREYOUSERIOUS?! jmkvg dsk gkgkjb OMG *faints*