Varxus managed to dodge them before they hit him and sent 3 fireballs at Hack. OOC: Be back in about 20-30 mins.
"What!" He said "Why didn't you tell me earlier???" He then asked with an embarassed look on his face. He pressed the button again. "I was drunk, that is all." He then looked at Vexen, who was laughing.
Varxus managed to dodge some of the swords, but one slashed his arm, leaving a cut. "Only a flesh wound."He said as he charged at Hack with his spear out.
Xemnas stops singing and rambles on about the price of Org. XIII cloaks, still on the intercom.
Varxus suddenly dodged out of Hack's attack and shot a fireball towards him.
"Yea tell me about it." Luxord said whilst holding his nose again.
OOC: Ok. BIC: "Hey Hack. Since it's just me and you here, you want to have a training fight?" Varxus asked.
"I don't think there is one." Varxus told Hack. "I looked everywhere."
Varxus turned around and saw Hack standing behind him. "Hack? What are you doing here?" He asked
A clone of bigfoot's pet cat.
19134 Wake me when we're done then.
Varxus was unable to find any kind of training facilities within the castle. He went outside and thought to himself.Well... now what?
Gabranth from FFXII.
Varxus found himself back at the Castle somehow. How did I get here? He thought. Well I can take this time to train. He looked around searching for a training room of some kind.
"I'm Varxus." He told Kai. "Jecht said I could join you if I help out here."
Xemnas was getting impatient. He pressed the intercom and announced another message. "Has anyone found Yuffie yet? I'm so lonely in here." He then starts singing Lonely by Akon, but doesn't realise the intercom is still switched on and everyone hears him sing.
19132 How long is this going to take?
A victim of Sora's.
Hi *Runs through topic hugging everyone and leaves.* Bye One of my random moments.
OOC: I've no problem with the side-quest.