O.O :O *splodes* ..... *and goes berserk*
Lilly smirked. She thought the guy was crazy, but something was yelling "Adventure" to her. "Fine then"
No, there was an word you had to say....
That just makes me sleepy *falls asleep*
Even thought I love my lil Roxy my self, I think this pairing is really cute <3
.... *sigh*
Hey! :glomp: Don't feel ignored I believe....
Granted, but you have to buy all the presents I wish to get out of school
._. *is sleepy*
Granted *steals Dandersnuff's chips* I wish for a bed to sleep in
No.... ._.
*pokes* Nothing is your fault. Got it memorizes?
*lays on the ground* ._.
I feel dizzy and..... *fals off of chair* Oof....
..... 'kay..... I think I'm gonna pass out soon....
^ wut he said
._. *blinkblink*
*blinkblink* *pokes*
._. .....