"Thank you Axel..."
"'Kay" Lilly said and took out some paper and a pen.
I know Er.... ^wut she said
I don't think so....
At least you got to the finals. I'm lucky if anyone voted me for anything....
He did? Cool!
You don't suck! You rock! Have you seen the "If you could hang out with any member here for a day" thread?
Why on earth would I want you to leave?
Hey sinister! Elsewhere?! You're gonna leave the bunny castle?!
O.o fillerz <3
lol XD
Roxas and Namine <3
Oh yeah! Jettie!.... And Goimez.... And RRMS.... And a bunch of other people.... *goes to edit list*
Lilly blinked two times. "So now what do we do?"
I love the rain too.... Well sometimes its a bit annoying if you're like.... Lets say on a picnic and it starts raining.....
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-EySUoKEk_A&feature=channel_page O.o
Yes. Very beutifull. *starts raining* :nerve:
Well if he/she feels intimidated it will defend it's self....
4 'Ello peepz!