__/ O>o______ _-
>.< uhhhmmm o____________O
nooo.....i was bored that day...so i decided to scramble the ABC's and it worked for me for like 5 seconds
wtf................. I'm male!!!
ooc- no Xiruk is...Xurik is a heartless. lol.
dude my ps2dis0902060108 folder is empty...-_- what the fuk!!!
thats cool. what kinda codes? and not much...eating breakfast
i g2g....talk to you tommorow.:=D:
Accepted ^-^
well okay...ill talk to you 2morro.
ohh. okay
I have no clue..and no i dont PM him.
hey man..i gotta go..can we do this 2morro morining?
i have an aim and a myspace too. XD. lol and did you just take that picture? --------------------------------------------------- okay..now what?
ohhh him...he never responds to me...>.<
oh...who is that?
okay. .
wait...it was never a zip.