im good. you?
*looks at rhain* hmph...dont help me *throws a rock at her then walks out the door*
lol. Hey.
Xiruk fell to the ground. "I already told you. I would NEVER join YOU!!" Xiruk stood up. He jumped back and opened a portal behind Xemnas. He darted towards Xemnas and sliced threw him, then running threw the portal. He ended up in Twilight Town;in the sandlot.
Im good. Really tired though >.< How are you?
okay...thank you. :D
hey do you think you could edit this picture so its a Black Parade Riku? [IMG]
Yup! ^-^ so whatre you doing?
"i would never join you!" Xiruk shot a dark firgra blast at Xemnas then lunged him self aboved Xemnas and threw his keyblade at him. "Dont worry...i have a backup!" He summond his soul eater and held it like Riku.
i like-----....i am not going to even finish that sentence....nevermind.... hehehe FEEL THE EPIC, EpICNESS!!!!! AHAHAHAHA!
when did i join this!? eh whatever. -takes rum- hehehehehe
sorry about in like 70 groups so i dont look for groups to join...but im quiting some groups right now.
Oh..its biggie.
yea aiight
do you have MSN.?
i made an MSN CloudStrife2k9
hehehe :D thank you. I just wanted to put a label on it. and i put your name first on it. Lol XD
okay here it is! i didnt do much though...=\ [IMG]
oh.....okay. bye. =\