you want to be there now sora,alright then. *puts on sunglasses* everybody,hold on tight. *punches the button for nos*
the game doesn't sound fun,it sounds good,it should be evil.
i don't like the sound of that game.
so were ready to go then.alright let's hit the road. *puts bus in drinve and leaves the house*
is everybody that's going on?
who isn't here?
is everybody buckled up.
have him sprout wings and start singing 'i believe i can fly'
thank you haseo. *goes to the bus to warm it up*
sweet,battle of the dark lords who have f***** up speech
i gives you a kiss and a hershey kiss.
*is packed* i'll drive the bus,but i need directions to where the onsen launches.
is somewhat senseitive in the force
*uses force push on..................* wait,what sith lord are you.vader or emperor.i'm nihilus
kiss for the shocked person
13,the unlucky number of people i have eaten today.
joined july 2008
10,the number of popsickles i have had today.
i may not be awesome,but i am manly.and that's all that matters.
6,the number of kids i have beaten up today.