*was asleep in boys sauna* *wakes up* hey xephos.
i voted for vii but i didn't have as much fun playing it as i did tactics.vii is my second fav then 10
pixrate_luffxy yeah,i'm cool like that.
i think it's going to be a good movie.i'll be seeing it when it comes out.i don't like the 3D but i can't really do much about that so who cares.i loved the clone wars mini series and i'm glad there adding more to it and making the tv show longer.
I CAN'T TAKE YOU CRAZY PEOPLE ANYMORE. *gets out of hot springs and goes to the guys sauna*
THEN PUT ONE ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:roar:
i saw in the phamplet that there was a game room here.
it said you were cute. i told it i was going to throw him far away in a sec and if he was to come back i would cook him in some gumbo.
thinks watari is a sugar daddy.
give me the crab. *talks crab* *throws crab away* there,taken care of.
*wakes up from nap* *streches* *puts on swim trunks* *goes to hot springs*
has 40 post
kiss for flamedancer
is bored out of f****** mind
*is alseep in room*
is stoned on rainbows
hello people.
*force pulls the towel off on the way to room*
*gets backpack and heads for room* later guys. *heads off to room*
*pulls upto the docks* alright guys,were here.