hey guys i'm back.had to go pick up my last paycheck.
*claps hands*
fkalfldsfhao;sf;ihaifdashjalkokvn;ilrfhoaidjfoasfneawbfiaioklvgal;fjdasjnv CHICKEN TENDERS
don't hate the player,hate the game
*is glomped* kisses for all the girls
kisses for the sad panda
the most embarassing anime i watch would have to be pokemon right now.i still watch after all these years. *is a loser face*
is kissed again.
W west.that guy made me shoot milk out of my nose when he did that sh!t.the show is freaking funny as heck.
kisses for both of you
i say yes.i understand he was trying to help the world,but he lost track of that and just started killing everybody really.so my is yes.
dissing for dissing people.
thank you:)
plz tell me you brought scotch.
what,no casino.plz tell me there is a bar atleast.
*changes clothes and goes to the casino*
*goes to room and washes up*
well xephos,i have had enough of the steam room for now so later. *leaves guys sauna*
kiss for roxassombody
you don't want to know man.