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  1. sinister
    ( no, because if you did, you would know that i'm afriad of when people hug me... i'm to shy)

    but don't be happy...
    this place is rid of me soon! yeehah!
    Post by: sinister, Aug 16, 2008 in forum: Departure Hall
  2. sinister
    i'm not cool....
    i'l make a brief text about it...

    i had a great friend....
    he worked a lot...
    he had aa disease...
    his skin looked rotten and bones were crippled...
    i was gone a few weeks and i am the first to find him dead...
    i make a promise for him....
    i'm gonna finish my promise...
    Post by: sinister, Aug 16, 2008 in forum: Departure Hall
  3. sinister
    check my new thread sir!
    your in it!
    Post by: sinister, Aug 16, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  4. sinister
    i have told some...
    they should tell you if you ask them...
    i don't wanna spread it here...
    try miss jettie....'s not that important so you don't need to...
    Post by: sinister, Aug 16, 2008 in forum: Departure Hall
  5. sinister
    i'm not leaving untill monday...hehe...
    Post by: sinister, Aug 16, 2008 in forum: Departure Hall
  6. sinister
    um... hello... some of you i am knownas a shy heartless unable to speak normaly....
    to the other 80% here in this site i'm unknown and weird....( good start)

    aw well....
    i want to thank all of you friends iv'e made here and the support iv'e got from you....

    sorry...this is a long well....
    it's to all of you....

    first of:

    sir peace-and-war
    you even went so far to call me brother....
    what even most surprised me was all of the interests we shared and knew about....
    i valued you as a brother and even more as a friend....
    it was an honour to meet you...
    you taught me the importance of brotherhood...

    miss len
    you where one of my first buddies here...
    and i have allways enjoyed the work we did together....
    also it was fun to know one so kind and calm around here....
    you where always known as kind and sweet you know...
    you taught me the importance of trust and kindness

    miss cherry
    known first because of so many valueing you as a kind and happy-go-lucky person...
    and even when i introduced myself sloppily and weird you didn't care and acted kind anyway...
    you taught me determination

    sir roxasora2010
    everyone seemed to know you and even more had you as a friend....
    this made me curious...
    how could one guy have so many friends and be so liked by everyone....
    after i met you.... i understood...
    to bad your not here now....
    you taught me the meaning of combined friendship...

    miss roxas-chick
    ah.... through you i learned more and i was very happy with the bunny castle...and even more by all the friends i made...
    of course... you were always kind and so was in fact your sisters as well..
    you taught me importance of love to my friends as well as animals...

    miss jettie
    you first introduced yourself in pm and we quickly made friends....
    well...i quickly saw you as a friend....
    there was much we told eachother and even more iv'e enjoyed....
    you were always quick to answer and very understanding....
    i'm grateful we met...
    you taught me the importance of shared tastes and hope....

    sir cerberus55
    you where the one to introduce me here on the first place and the frist i knew who liked kh besides me...
    takes one to know one....
    thank for inviting me here sir...
    you brought me here...hehe

    miss demyxrabidfangirl9
    we allways wrote with 3 different pm's and i always liked that...we kept in touch a lot more....
    you were great in writing and poetry and you even made me letting me know that you had so much skill and so much kindness in the same time...
    you taught me to have a will and never lose faith

    sir khrules!
    even though this is stupid because you never visit this place...and i know you in real life.... i still do this...why...
    because your my friend...
    and a good one at that!
    you taught me to never give up...

    miss roxasissomebody
    you were nice and kind from the many others....
    you sad you would cry for many others....
    but you were not like many others....
    you are great as a person and loved by many here as well....

    miss breakingdawn
    one of the first that i actually looked at the present yourself threads and made a quick friend by...
    through you i found out a lot and came to know my surrounding...
    it may sound weird, but in my own experience it is valuable indeed...
    you taught me the meaning of seeing everyone as different...
    also..because of you, i came to know....

    miss roxasloverXIII
    it was nice to know someone who gave an answer here and now...
    i allways liked the answers you brought and you and miss breakingdawn were great i correct?
    you were both the same and yet different way...
    you taught me the meaning of what influences people can have on eachother at times...

    miss friendly heartless
    you were one of the first friends i had here and even more surprised i was that you pm'ed me to be buddies
    you helped me a lot and always made me happy...
    you were one of the reasons that i came to like this place so much!
    you taught me justice and gave me endurance...

    sir robert the youghurt
    a new friend to me, but a good one nontheless...
    you came out to try and prevent me quite a lot from leaving this site and even offered to follow with me...
    i was surprised...and happy to know that such friendship exsicted still...
    you taught me the importance of care and helping

    miss Larxene~Rox~4~Eva
    nice it is to make friends...
    you even get happier to know the kindness a good friend may show....
    from where i live...kindness is rare...
    but not in such as you...
    you taught me the importance of hard work and struggle for others...

    miss roxasputyourpantson

    a name that i find special and funny...
    you made me look at the world in a more fun way and you kept my spirits up and running...
    you taught me the meaning of the soul...

    sir solidsnake...
    one as such had the same interest in game as well as i had and many other things as well...
    i saw a lot of shares of things i swa that we both liked...and that made me have once again...another perspctive in our world....
    you taught me to listen and say what is on your mind...

    sir videogamecrazyman.
    the first post i saw that you made was when you felt sorry for me and even rep'ed me...
    i was surprised...but also stunned that someone could do something so kind to one as me...
    i was still new here but now when iv'e gotten to know you...
    i'm trying to keep up with your pace...
    you taught me to strive hard foe your dreams...

    other mentions
    well...just because you can't see your name in the friend list, it doesn't mean that i didn't value you as a friend...
    some i never dared to ask and others i thought that we saw eachother like friends anyways...

    miss catch the rain...
    when i wasnew here and unknowing of this place, you where the frist to give me a kind word and that made me realise that the world is not all evil...
    i was not amased to see that everyone knew you and you even had you own fan-club....
    not many could have that right?
    you taught me the importance of life and how we all can unite...

    sir repliku
    yes... we should all mention that you always wrote the longest posts...but they should have all been long... why?... because they were always wise and thoughtful....
    you gave me a big though in life and made me strive more to achive what i dreamt for...
    you taught me the meaning of wisdom....

    sir what?
    sorry for the colour...
    but you were always funny and cool in a way...
    i never saw you as crazy or unusual guy....
    you were always cool in a way and kept your own pace...
    you taught me respect....

    sir fayt- harkwind
    i regarded you as a fun guy and a little like a comedian...
    often seen as random and crazy...but i always saw it like hilarious...
    keep up the good work...
    you taught me the importance of a smile, now and then...

    miss emo-bunny
    if i'm right...
    you regareded yourself that you didn't like people much... ( sorry if i'm wrong)
    but i always see kindness and cheer in you...
    your good at teaching finnish like your sister as well...
    you taught me the importance of my family...

    miss theonly9one
    ah, yes... sister to miss roxas-chick and emo_bunny....
    all of you liked bunnies and i found that very nice...
    most brothers or sisters i know doesn't share the same interest...
    but by seeing you...
    i am sure you are a great big sister for them...
    you taught me the meaning of spreading your knowledge to those who seeks it...

    sir chervailer
    a great guy....with importance in the words....
    i admired the way you told others about things...
    iv'e never seen you mad and and as such it's nice to know someone like that...
    you taught me the importance of peace and quiet...

    to all my friends out there and loved ones...
    i will always have you in my heart and proudly see you as great friends who put up with an ***hole like me...
    i will be gone....forever...
    ~Heart of darkness...

    oh! and one more thing!
    i'm finnaly changing my mood!
    i'm so happy to know all of you!
    Thread by: sinister, Aug 16, 2008, 85 replies, in forum: Departure Hall
  7. sinister
    have a cookie sir...
    Post by: sinister, Aug 16, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  8. sinister
    i need orders...
    how are you sir?
    Post by: sinister, Aug 16, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  9. sinister
    ...i'm so sorry....
    that is so sad....
    if you need any help, ANY help at all...
    i would give full support...
    Post by: sinister, Aug 16, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. sinister
    i have not read them all either....
    but i loved all the ones iv'e read so far...
    Post by: sinister, Aug 16, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  11. sinister
    i thought reaper man was pretty funny...
    Post by: sinister, Aug 16, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  12. sinister
    yeah, he's great!
    i also like the librarian but death's the best!

    Post by: sinister, Aug 16, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  13. sinister
    you sound like death from the terry pratchet books...
    Post by: sinister, Aug 16, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  14. sinister
    nor jumping on it and flushing it in the toilet...heh...
    Post by: sinister, Aug 16, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  15. sinister
    ah well...
    hope we can see it later though...
    Post by: sinister, Aug 16, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  16. sinister
    please do!...
    Post by: sinister, Aug 16, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  17. sinister
    and fluffy and they their bites don't hurt at all after your dead...
    Post by: sinister, Aug 16, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  18. sinister
    cause it's me...
    i'm a servant....not a leader...
    here's some candy sir...
    Post by: sinister, Aug 16, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  19. sinister
    hmm...normaly i should give you orders because i am highest ranked ....
    you can give me orders sir...
    Post by: sinister, Aug 16, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  20. sinister
    smart move!
    ''does the same thing''
    Post by: sinister, Aug 16, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone