She sleeps whereas I don't. It's a curse and I don't wanna wait xDx
:P I'm sure they have. Just not made it yet.
Someone have a ditto that I can breed my Charizard with? My friend wants a Charmander but I don't wanna restart Y over and over, or X which I'm close to beating.
I just might. If I can put Pokemon down.
Fandom ruined it for me. Too much of it on tumblr.
Yes, I know that she turns into a naked lady titan.
Then- Real ******* who needed to calm his **** and be nice. Now- Great guy who I consider a friend, and has the same interests as me. I don't know where Mish is. I don't know... I eat a lot. I don't favor anything specific. Nope. Why, my actual team of course. Haxorus, Lucario, Staraptor, Samurott, Seprerior, and Blaziken. ~Phoenix~, HeartlessOfLight, Myst, DarkTraitor, DigitalAtlas, and Cat~ I'm not sure. We should. Because my girlfriend would kill us. Green. IDON'TKNOW
1-Original- Good guy, but a bit dickish. Current- I hate you. You're a great person, and I couldn't ask for a better friend. 2-Gen 1: Pikachu. It's adorable and it just gets me for no real reason. I admit I'm very cliche in this sense. Gen 2: Espeon. It's my favorite Eeveelution, and Psychic-types have alwasy been cool to me. Gen 3: Absol. It's also my favorite all-time Pokemon. Just because it's really cute in my opinion, and I'm a bit of a disaster myself, so in a sense, the disaster gets his disaster Pokemon. Gen 4: Inferape. I don't usually like starters, but Gen 4 didn't have a lot, and so Infernape falls into this spot for me. Fire-types have always been another favorite type of mine, so there's that too. Gen 5: Hard to choose one. It's a tie between Samurott, Haxorus, and Gothitelle. Samurott because it's just cool to me. It's balanced and a really good Pokemon to have on a team. Haxorus is an amazing sweeper, and I love dragons as a whole. Gothitelle is just because Psychic and perfect <3 Gen 6: I honestly don't know. I would say Dragalge, but my Chesnaught isn't a pushover either, so they're tied. Dragalge because POISON AND DRAGON. Poison is my second favorite type (only second to the Dark-type), and again, I love dragons. Chesnaught is just there because I love mine to death. He's my bro, and I honestly feel connected to him through Pokemon Amie. 3-I'm a Dark/Poison-type. My moves are Crunch, Sludge Bomb, Recover, and Fly (I have wings). 4-NPC... Lass Anna. She's the first trainer I've seen in a while who had a Pikachu, and thus I adore her. 5-But I showered this morning, you ass. 6-Lillymon, duh. I'm fabulous. 7- Yes. 8- Mm... Super Hero, even if I'd be unorthodox as hell. 9-Blow **** up and get laid. 10- Because he's a lazy ****. Hey BIU. 1- It's great. Thanks for asking. 2- At first you seemed a bit meh to me, but after getting to know you, you're one of my closest buddies. 3- Then put your right hand it, and shake it all about. 4- ...Wat 5- **** Zod's couch. 6- Rising 7- Because people are ****, and can't accept that they're childhood isn't childhood anymore. Let me tell you people something: go **** yourselves. Gen 1 sucked ass in terms of Pokemon, and I like very few of them. 8- BECAUSE YOU TOUCH YOURSELF AT NIGHT AND I FELT LIKE IT! 9- Charles Mandarin 10- HELL YES 11- Very 12- I don't watch Attack on Titan. I just really like Annie and Armin, so I'd be in theirs. If they're seperate, then I'd be in Annie's. 1- Crazy premium who intimated me, but seemed nice. 2- My daughter, whom I love and am sad is growing up <3 3- Yes 4- Bingle bongle, dingle dangle, lickety doo, lickety dah, ting tang, lippy tappy, too tah 5- I would say Dragalge, but my Chesnaught isn't a pushover either, so they're tied. Dragalge because POISON AND DRAGON. Poison is my second favorite type (only second to the Dark-type), and again, I love dragons. Chesnaught is just there because I love mine to death. He's my bro, and I honestly feel connected to him through Pokemon Amie. There are just too many to decide from, as I said to Dark. 6- It'd be like this: I would be the Princess, sexily killing **** with magic ~Phoenix~ would be knight that competes for my attention by killing **** (yes, ~Phoenix~ would still be a girl) HeartlessOfLight would be a tank, plowing through everything. You (Cat) would be the Alchemist. Dark would be our vampire knight and Pipe Down And Listen would be our Archer.
[/url] Outfit|*|Accessory|*|Location: Estelle's house|*|Music|*|Mood: Furious|*|OOC: "WHAT!?" Natalie cried out angrily. This wasn't okay. It wasn't okay at all. She held her friend tightly and calmly whispered, "Hush now, it's okay. It will all be okay." Truth was, it probably wasn't ever going to be okay. Alex had scarred Estelle completely. People like Estelle were fragile enough, and idiots like Alex didn't help. Natalie stroked Estelle's hair and just let Estelle cry it all out. She needed someone there. Obviously at this point, it was like their fight had never happened. "I promise Estelle, NOTHING will happen to you. I'll make sure he never touches nor looks at you again. I promise. As your best friend. He'll have to go through me." She didn't show it much, but she was furious. Murderous even. She could kill someone. But she didn't want to get arrested. "I won't tell anyone, okay? I'll keep it between us. You want to go make some popcorn in the kitchen, and come up here and watch a movie?" Natalie was going to make sure Estelle was okay. And... not leave her alone. To an extent. She'd be constantly watching Estelle, making sure no one got close to her.
As much as I like TP, it sucks because it was just Link, standard formula, random Ganon plot twist.
I won? Cool. Thanks plum.
1- I used to think you were an alright guy who liked Pokémon (you had Arbok as your avatar), and we seemed to have a common interest, so I didn't really think much more of it. 2- I think you can get VERY overbearing at times and even if it isn't towards me at all, it annoys me. However, in our one on one interactions, you have gotten a lot better. 3- Favorite Staff is Jayn. No real reason other than the fact we RP together. Non-staff is cloud<3/Phoenix of course. 4-Favorite color is Green. But if I see an anime girl/video game girl with pink hair, I go nuts. Favorite number is 13. 5- Not really any... I eat like a mother****er. 6- Favorite battle quote would be Sora's "It's over!" Because that was the last thing Sora said against Xehanort's Heartless when I beat KH1. I took such a while that I was happy it truly was over. 7- No you aren't because this is 4 questions. I, however, am awesome because I still answered it. 8- I don't ****ing know. I'm not Sho Minamimoto. 9- I'll tell you when you're older. 10- Poop. 1- Hello Cal. Yes I am. 2- A bit flighty but really nice at heart. 3- Best little sis ever. 3- White Chocolate. 3- MAIKA (the new one) because she's Spanish, and Luka because pink hair<3 4- Good. Thanks for asking Kupo. 5- Don't have one. Like Ruby Rose, I will eat all the cookies. 6- I do. I actually believe the earth was colonized by aliens mating with the prehistoric humans. I used to think this because we suddenly got smart, but the US has shown that we are either the short end of the stick, or humans are still as stupid as ever and aliens aren't real. 7- Tie between Aqua and Kairi. 9- Merida and Rapunzel. Rapunzel's mother (her name escapes me) is also very close behind. 10- Because she's my favorite member of the Elite Four in Pokémon Black 2 and White 2. She's also rather attractive. 11- Beautiful and I wish you could have come. 12- Yes but it sucks. 13- Depends on when I get off my ass and do it. If I give myself time, then I'll be Jaune Arc from RWBY. If not, I'll be Naegi Makoto (I refuse to call him Makoto because it's a girl's name) or Monokuma/Monobear from Dangan Ronpa.
Sorry I ditched you on Skype, it crashed and won't open again. I'll be gone for a couple more hours, so just let me know here how far you get :P Done! Sorry I'm slightly late. And the quality was turned to crap when I rendered it >.>
Good goddess man! How long did it take you? O.o
Currently what I have: Dragalge (Fairy killer) Lucario (Mega Lucario is really cool and good against the fairies I've used him on) Talonflame (Rotates out with my Charizard who becomes Mega Charizard X) Vaporeon (Surfer, and good with Aurora Beam) Chesnaught (My starter and my bro) Absol (she can become a Mega Absol and she's my favorite all-time Pokemon)
Save me one? I don't really have anything decent at the moment since I lost progress :c
[/url] Outfit|*|Accessory|*|Location: Estelle's house|*|Music|*|Mood: What the..?|*|OOC: "He? What do you mean he?" Natalie held Estelle tightly. "Estelle, what happened!? Did someone hurt you!?" She thought for while. She had been so busy with Dangan Ronpa on her PSP and her date with Alex, and she stayed awake all night, trying to finish the game... But Estelle hadn't come home. She hadn't come home at all. And she had been with her new friend. With Alex. Alex. Natalie clenched her hands into fists. What the hell had Alex done to her friend? "Estelle, what did she do? Did she hurt you!? Did she threaten you!? I want to help, please tell me what happened!" she said, holding Estelle tightly and shaking her slightly. She was scared. She knew Estelle was easily upset, but this... this was ridiculous. Maybe something hadn't happened with Alex. Perhaps on the way home? "Estelle please! Answer me!" she said, now crying along with her friend.
Oh... I'm so sorry... They've been added in... Again, I'm so, so sorry...
[/url] Outfit|*|Accessory|*|Location: Estelle's house|*|Music|*|Mood: ...|*|OOC: Natalie stuck her tongue out the corner of her mouth, concentrating. "Mhm!" she said. Suddenly, an 'Upupupuu!' came out of the game. Natalie let out a loud "UGH!" and tossed the game on her bed. "...Remind me never to be an actual murder investigator... I suck at it." She sighed and stood up. "Anyway, you wanna know what happened between me and Estelle? It's kinda funny in a way, I guess." "Also, sorry if my makeup and wardrobe is creepy. I just like dark fashion right now."