People are actually complaining about this still? I dropped the complaints after episode 8... I can't stomach the reasons anymore.
This is a serious section, so yes. I'm actually questioning whether you played BBS or not. I mean, Ventus is more real than Roxas. If you think Ventus isn't a real boy, I question your KH knowledge (should it exist)
Please tell me the Ventus thing isn't serious.
View attachment 36996 It's basically the same as using emoticons...
View attachment 36994 ... View attachment 36995 The amount of dismissive stupidity in this thread is embarrassing. I will be going now.
View attachment 36991 Please stop treating us like children. Most of us are responsible and capable adults, perfectly able to do this. View attachment 36992 Mind you, even the irresponsible and unintelligent ones are capable of doing this too... View attachment 36993 Point is, stop.
View attachment 36990 What do you want, a medal?
View attachment 36989 Indeed. All anyone can truly wonder is why.
My suspicions are once again confirmed. KHV continues to exhibit low intelligence from members, and the big-headed idiocy of the Spam Zone. The only remaining question; How long can I keep this up before I am called out by someone who refuses to accept when they're wrong?
I've spent time close to dead bodies.
"Oh you're just asking to be killed, aren't you!?"
Hey, it's the Hero of Time. I don't follow Homestuck, but I understand the typing quirk.
People won't freak out as much as you think. The guy's a real dick.
That's because your heart isn't strong enough and you can't damage them if it isn't. That's already been constantly repeated so much everyone probably gave up because you're so intent on being right.
Dude, Sora's just stronger. Tifa can tear apart Mechs and Sephiroth with her bare hands, and the Gullwings still took tremendous effort to beat the Heartless, and that was just by pushing it down a hill.
It's not that quoting it is bothersome, it's that you didn't at least warn about spoilers. I read your post and feel like I watched the episode again. Nothing personal, just a thing.
Okay. I have homework so no Trick or Treating tonight.
I will explode everything within 300 feet