Thanks ^_^ You all draw some pretty cute stuff as well
Out of randomness I drew a chibi cow ^_^
During classes I don't talk... like ever. But mostly because I don't want to say something completely stupid, which I am often prone to doing >.<
You are just jealous You think the world is a cruel, heartless place, but the real problem isn't an unfair universe – it's you. Instead of loving and admiring your favorite people, you've become unbelievably jealous of their attractive qualities, possessions, and relationships. You can't shake the feeling that everyone else's life is a lot more exciting than yours is, and you know what? You're right. Everyone else's life *is* better -- because they're not wasting all their time and energy on jealousy! (And now you're probably jealous of our quizzy wisdom. Oh, well. We tried.) *pinned*
My Chemical Romance Eminem Nelly Gorillaz >.< I just cant help myself!
1. Panic! at the Disco 2. Dave Matthews Band 3. Flyleaf 4. Rihanna 5. Linkin Park
I watched them all and thought they were alright, it would have been better if I hadn't found them so confusing >.< But I did watch them at a younger age so perhaps if I were to review them again I would actually understand and appreciate LotR more.
I loved the ending, it made me equally happy and sad at the same time. It leaves you feeling optimistic.
yea, my school has a lock on deviantart. Something about nudity... as if thats what I'm there to look at, pshh
He held no significance after his little (endless) spiel.
Me and a bunch of my friends are going to dress up as pirates, woot! But if that doesn't work out I'll go as kh1 Kairi
My friend tried to get all smart with me today and started bragging about how he had found this article on the main page. Pshh, as if! I had already seen it yesterday when this thread started XD
That made me lol, I've never seen that site before. The timeline of Sora's reign was my favorite.
I thought it was odd how Sora~Roxas and Kairi~Namine didn't have the same color. I figured it would have been one of those things where you can see their connection through their eyes.
I'm pretty sure from what I've heard those tests aren't being held as important as they used to. For instance, the written part of the SATs basically holds no baring in college applications. And honestly I don't find the actual testing to be very fair. I am a relatively smart student but test horribly. It's not so much that I don't know the information, it's more that it takes me more time to answer questions. So basically I think the time limit is unfair. Every time I take the SATs my scores just seem so average. I'll be taking it for my third and final time this Saturday and really hope my math scores improve. Last time I remember going to my algebra II teacher afterwards to ask about a mathematical symbol found in one of the questions, she didn't even know what it was. I really want my scores to stick out, but I just find it so difficult when I test so slowly and half the information on it I've never seen before.
Usually I read the poll question, read the initial post of the thread, post, then vote on the poll. It helps a lot to avoid confusion.
I have a fear of being constricted. So if I were to be bound in any sort of way, I would surely flip out.
I can get into "The Zone" after a good long period of procrastination. Which basically equals out to working well under pressure (time pressure to be exact).
Now in writing class, Chiyo-Chan took out some paper and pencils and began her warm-up story. She wrote about her summer adventures with her old friends.
I used to think leprechauns were real and I could catch one... but now people just call me one ^_^