It's all my ass. <3 I shall enjoy it over and over. It shall be so used that no one would want it when I'm done! Rawr~! D'aw that sucks Vivi ; ; I want buns cuz I hungry. And hello Danu my dear. I shall allow you to grab Chris' buns if you'd like :3c Just one grab though.
*twitch* Must... have... your anus. @u@ *squeeeeeeze* @Midny: Gimme buns~ <3
Daddy's bum is not to be touched by any! D: But that's why Chris came along with him to bless the world with a grabbable one :3c Shake it, Chris!
But no ass can compare to Chris', of course. Tis be the buns of the gods sent down to us from the heavens!
It's all about bums theses days. Ever so soft and fun to play with. *squeeze squeeze*
Today's take over shall begin with Chris' well known sexy buns~ All that appose shall feel our wrath!
Helloooooooooo lp2p~~ >3 INVASION!
Oh sure I don't mind showing the movie again if anyone else wishes to see it. It's a lovely and beautiful movie. <3 And oh mi gosh keppy ; u ; That was a great description <3 All my feels~
Oh sure I have no problem with recording it at all. I believe the next stream of Arashi No Yoru will be like in 3-5 hours. Whenever Feenie is free really xD And yes, as Kelly said, we all must watch movies together. I shall make the desserts :3 As for the songs, I am giving them another listen.
I've been tired. Babysitting and all but my fault today since I was up until about 4 or 5 in call with Feenie and Midny xD Been obsessed with Gay Bacon Strips (lol Epic Meal Time) In a bit of pain since I got 2 of my wisdom teeth pulled out yesterday. Bleeding barely stopped and I finally got to eat after over 24hr with no food >< It's still dreadfully hot here too ; ; Still missing Spike very much. But other than that, I suppose I feel fine xD And how about you, dearest?
That would have definitely made my day xD I LOVE how that mind of yours works <3333 How long was it before the girls ran off?
1. Favorite cereal? 2. You are most likely known for ________ 3. How much longer do you see yourself on KHV? 4. What is life? 5. What's it taste like? =o 6. What was your favorite show as a kid? 7. Current obsession? 8. What's you ethnicity? 9. How would you get rid of someone if they bothered you to the max? 10. You like fruit, yes?
Danu you are such an AMAZING person! xD Curiosity striking up, what did those notes say?
I just wanted to give you a warning that I probably can't record my lines til later. I was busy last week and I just got my wisdom teeth pulled out yesterday ; ; But I will do my best to get my lines to you no matter what.
Ah yay then. I have been watching far too much EMT. Makes me want this shirt:...
Just to answer you, sir. >< Apologies if it's a bit annoying.
Um... guess I'll ask. >< Did you see my questions?
Hello deadness.
Just another piccy. >< Keep up the god work, gurl!
Oh this shall be interesting. 1. First impression? 2. Current? 3. What's it like where you live? 4. What made you choose the username that is epic? 5. Out of all the Fuk names, which was your favorite? 6. Hobbies? 7. How tall are you? 8. Favorite food? 9. Who is a member you stalk or a member you know stalks you? 10. Gay bacon strips?