Hai lptp. Long time no speak ;; How are you all?
Sweety, you're new theme scares me a bit.
Why are you guys gonna kill Adam? D:
Woman, make me a sammich.
My lord is unkind to newcomers. Please leave or I will have to use force. ^_^ *demon aura*
Fudge it's so hot in my room. I wish I could sleep outside again but the concrete is so very uncomfortable. @_@
Ohayooooo~! I keep forgetting about this place D: I love you lp2p
We're not letting people into the family? @_@ Does the person even know what Kuroshituji is? We should all get back in character.
Avatar: 5/10 Signature: 6/10
Um... okies? Maybe because you know that I live in California? Course I don't think about Disney World every time you post haha xD
Gah I dunno what to do for the next 4 hours.
Hello, hello. Gah I start classes again today. I don't feel ready. I dunno why the first week makes me feel the same way finals does. What you all up to?
Avatar: 8/10 [I really like the effect. Looks awesome.] Signature: 6/10 [I seems a bit bundled >.<]
Ffffffff it has a curse word in it T^T
http://www.theathomecouple.com/wp-c...were-makin-a-meat-salad-****-YOUR-LETTUCE.jpg @Myst: I be fine but a little sick. Yourself?
Ohai son. Why are you so damn cute? ; u ; <333 @Myst: I am Feenie!
Is it alright to have Maka in the poll when she left the site some time ago?
Another piccy for you, my dear~ http://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash4/292085_412067475516435_799000211_n.jpg