How long do you got?
Lol, gosh, its sad that after this summer that no other summer will be the same. I guess you have the right idea!!
Sorry, I am just so tired, and these noobs want me to argue about politics in the spam zone. But enough about me, has anything else new happened...
I'll be right back.
1. I ain't Einstien. 2. Yes that is the only reason I argue, because no matter how much proof either side bring to the table, we all know that everyone is going to stay on the same side, and all we did was express and frustrate ourselves. Its like asking me to clean up horse poop with no chance of petting the horse. I ain't your slave, yes I am greedy somtimes, but thats how people get rich, and thats how animals survive by going for the golden oppurtunity, and arguing here is well the **** oppurtunity. Please leave me alone, all of you.
the math, and the science acts. Evil. *yawn*
yeah, I hate the act, it was torture!!!! I felt like I was about to rip my brain out.
You are telling me to give you information without letting me get the information online. Also if you really want to carry this conversation on please start it in the debate zone where I have a point in arguing.
ACT, Colleges, senior year, and my tempory Drivers license(I GOT IT :D).
How about no. I ain't getting anything out of it, even if I proved he was God you wouldn't pay me squat.
Guys I would really love to play corner up on the democrat, but to be truthal I would rather eat dirt. DIRT!!! I have yet to see any of you in the spotlight.
Don't know how you could live without me! :(
I highly doubt that, I really do.
No, I am just ****ing tired!!!!!! I had ACTS today *ammit!! The evil ACT!!!!!!!!!!! Wow, special.
Eh people like hope. We might not be in this situation if Al Gore was elected, exspeccialy since he was cheated from presidancy. OYG, we are taking lol about politics in the spam zone!lol
*yawn* I know a knucklehead when I.... see the typing of one. And it would take me months to convince you from your opionion, so I won't even try.
Money, preperation, and teamwork!
Credit card bill of rights Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Bringing in new Jobs ............................ And, what else has he done...... oh and the obama ministration is currently working on the healthcare thing.