Dang you're so outdated XD
Mya heaved a sigh as Zane pulled her close to him. In the labs, Sasha fell asleep in a pile of papers. Unfortunately, she was trying to figure out how to mix 2 components for hours. She eventually tired out.
OOC: Yea I did :P BIC: Sasha nodded. Very good. Step aside Rita. I'll come back to you after Liv. She closed her eyes. From the depths of the frozen wasteland, come to my call. Feeze those that oppose and shatter them into oblivion. Her eyes turned dark blue. Frozen Hell. 5 large black icicles circled around Liv and smashed Liv, instantly freezing anything within its range.
Mya groaned in her sleep and turned over. She then babbled apt of nonsense. Zane? I like Zane with...grapes. Don't forget chocolate. She then fell silent. OOC: Nap time :3
Mya somehow squirmed her way underneath Zane. She then purred from Zane's warmth and murmered random stuff.
Mya purred softly, fast asleep. She nuzzled Zane in her sleep.
Mya wanted to add in, but was interrupted by his kiss and kissed back, tightening her hold on him.
Mya lightly bit his lips. Well I guess fair is fair right? I can't command you. You're free to do whatever. She ran her hands down his back.
Mya continued to groan. She knew he was torturing her by going slowly, but she enjoyed it as well. She ran er fingers through his hair.
Mya let out a long groan. Oh god, you're making this longer than needed. She grabbed his head.
Mya yelped and jerked slightly. Hey! I'm ticklish you know.
Mya kissed him back and groaned in pleasure as he touhed her sides. She started to squirm under him.
Mya yelped as Snow picked her up. Hey! Let me down. I'm perfectly fine you know! [I can walk as you can see! /COLOR]She tried to get off of Snow.
Mya stared at Alec with her tear-stained eyes then down at the staff. She then gingerly took it. I-I don't know what to do. How can I take care of a Veridas Magus if I don't know how to operate one? Putting a responsibility like this on me isn't good. She then realized the situation. I-I'll try my best. For Elaina. She examined the staff, wondering what benefit it could do for her.
Mya stared in horror as Elaina was taken with the worm underground. NO! YOU STUPID OVERSIZED WORM! She ran over where the worm was and started pounding the ground. Why? WHY??? She didn't deserve this! She started to cry. Why couldn't it have taken me at least? She was important.
Mya smiled. I hope not. She lightly ran her fingers down Zane's back.
Mya grabbed Zane's arms. You just excite me in some strange way.
Hello. I'm fine.
Mya chuckled. Alright then. She got up and jumped on the bed. Sasha smiled. Meet you later. She walked away towards the labs.