Hark gave her a "I'm sorry" look before letting go. He wanted to save her and not risk both of their lives as he was swept away. The wave suddenly subsided and dissapeared. All four of them were separated into each end of the island. Sasha closed her eyes. We can only pray now. Come. We have much to do. She walked back into the glass prisim. OOC: Gonna take a shower. Be back in a bit.
Hark ran over to Leyna and held onto her. Mya grabbed onto a tree and hoped to last. As the wave hit, Mya was instantly torn away from the tree and smacked a rock with her head, passing out from it. Hark desperatly held onto Leyna, but their grip was being loosened as the violent wave continued. On the map, 2 dots were separated from each other while the other 2 were close together. OOC: Yea I dunno with AS so I'll do whatever I can with him.
Mya looked back at Leyna. We can't outrun a tsunami or a meteor! We have to- As the meteor struch the ocean, the ground shook so violently, everyone was knocked to the ground. Mya was dazed and looked up only to se a giant wave heading towards them. Mya looked around franticly. It's too late! Grab hold of something! Sasha narrowed her eyes as the big blue wave headed towards the beach, impact in 10 seconds.
The cat gave a shrill meow and ran back into the cage. Sasha smiled. Excellent job! Now we-A loud alarm was ringing and Sasha looked up. It's time. She walked over to a screen and tapped it, showing a map with 4 dots on a beach. Away from them, a large dot named "meteor" is heading towards the ocean. The number next to the meteor 40 and rapidly counting down. Mya looked towards the ocean. It won't be a bad idea, just-wait what's that? There was a glowing star in the sky that appears to get bigger.