Did our messages go away or am I just seeing wrong?
You spelt it wrong. XD It's ok though. I just beat meh game with me cousin. What about you?
Eh, just 'cause
Bored, like always, I have 1111 pages
Hahahaha!! XD Helloooo! :D
Hey leaving the site for two months. So bye.
Ok so bye till Christmas holiday vacation. ^^
Wellll it was fun meeting you but bye leaving site now.
Maybe maybe... << Jk 'Cause you asked me to ok. ^_^ I will drop in every to months for you.
Hello? Well, I'm bored and gonna leave this site today... So, bye! ^_^
Ok I'm leaving this site now, bye.
Well peace now, man.
What if someone say they wanna get banned but you say no and they do something crazy?
What if someone ask you to ban them?
Imma leave dis site!
I don't listen it alot just every now and again. I like peopms though. ^^ Like Robert Frost Fire and Ice
Mostly rock and things like that. Sadly I kinda like some Beethoven... <,<
What would happen if you did?
Can you ban someone without a reason? Just like ban 'em?
Just about all... Huh?