No, you say you understand, but in reality you dont. I guess I'll forgive you this time. But dont get too happy because next time I wont be so...
I dont know if its just because Johnny Depp always stars in his movies or the meaning. I mean my personal favorites are Corpse Bride, Edward Scissorhands, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Dark Shadows, The Nightmare Before Christmas and Carolyn. I started loving the movies once the movie ended. They were always good and Edward Scissorhands made me cry a bit. :') What about you? Why do you like Tim Burton movies? Why dont you like the movies? What are your favorites?
Anna Blue - So Alein. The english version is So Alone. I heard this song once and fell completely in love with it. I remember thinking that maybe they made this song just for me. I related to it that well.
Same-with the post catch up that is. Im planning on changing my username and I think you need like a 300 post count. It may take time, but Im not...
Pretty good, actually. Just working on poetry and writting. How about you?
I wasnt even getting made fun of. Just a hell of a lot of sarcasm. I mean, I was going to just let it go, and then ArosFarron jad his two-bits...
I dont know. I just get this weird feeling. Nothing against you maybe. Im just a bit jumpy. . . I dont know. . . Sorry.
I guess I'll be the bigger person. Again. . .
Why are you acting so weird? I mean, something doesnt feel right. . .
I always say that. Not on here -obviously- but I always say that. . .
Exactly. Well arent we a ray a f*cking sunshine? :3
Oh, your sooo pun-ny. . .
I think thats his plan. . .
Hey Reinzel. . .
I know. I love them too. I was just saying. . .
Wait, what did I do?
You an thunderstorms. . . Fascinating. .
Hey Misty. How are you?
Hello Terra. . .