Fish are certainly fascinating. I always wanted a beta but it wasn't worth the cost to maintain them. This thread makes me miss my snake.
If it was in the middle of the intersection then I can understand. If you can move it on your own without walking in traffic then it's probably better to do so. The police aren't there to clean up the streets. (Joke intended.) If they don't need to stop traffic, then without someone to arrest or people to interview about the collision, there's not really a point to them being there. In a worst case scenario they might arrest you, the caller. Yes, that's been known to happen.
Why didn't you simply sweep them off the road? That's a waste of everyone's time.
Spoiler: Why did Karl Marx dislike Earl Grey tea? Because all proper tea is theft.
Not enough philosophically-inclined friends. Agh.
Disconnect the Dots by of Montreal
Wraith Pinned to the Mist and Other Games by of Montreal
It's a strategy game from the Fire Emblem series. It is not the best or the worst game in the series, but it is not traditional to FE. It is more of a beginner's guide to FE. It's fun but its many options attempt to hide two with little success: disappointingly easy or punishingly difficult. There are two basic modes: Casual and Classic. These are new. In Casual mode, your fallen units return at the end of a chapter. In Classic mode, your units die when they are killed. Forever. That is the way the series has been up to this point. It's a good game.
shyness by Thieves Like Us
So general opinion at a particular point in time and place decides what is humane and what isn't? That's an even more ridiculous idea than before.
Ah, ah, I see. So if I raise my dogs for food, that's alright then.
If you aren't a vegan, this looks like a rather embarrassing position to hold.
ENTP... The Joker Izaya Orihara Tyrion Lannister Discord Tyler Durden Saul Goodman Dr. Emmett L. "Doc" Brown
Sorry, friend.
The wiki article on her calls it a Sling Blade.
Wintered Debts by of Montreal
Monster by Parov Stelar
Stealing People's Mail by Dead Kennedys
One-Winged Angel from Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children