You know full well that's not what I was referring to. If you can find clever ways to solve problems, you're clever. A problem that requires you to be clever to reach the answer is a clever question. That's it. The nature of the problem and the knowledge required for it doesn't matter.
Pretty much defines what clever means, doesn't it?
This question is about summation. This is a series of challenges like Midnight's. Only this one is much harder. It requires programming for many problems, which does require cleverness. For those who thought that Midnight's challenge link wasn't clever enough. Post your solutions in spoilers, please.
Need a hint for 9...
Do not fret. This is an optical illusion. It happens to me whenever I play the game 2048. It happens because the numbers on the game are so large and I look at the rest of the screen so little while playing that when I go back to looking at normal fonts and such, it looks absurdly tiny. It goes away after about ten minutes.
I agree. That is the wrong way to address it. You should discuss this earnestly with your friend. You should explain how they come across to you so that they know what they are doing and can learn from it.
I doubt these kinds of threats would stop if guns were controlled rigorously.
Doesn't the street go both ways? For Marushi, she might project outward that other people are equally protective of their property and apologize profusely for violating her own code even if the other person insists it is alright. For you, you might find someone else being affectionate in your presence fine even if they feel they have to apologize about it. There isn't an easy way to determine which of you is in the right.
Head Over Heels by Tears for Fears
No problem. That's fine.
You are, in fact, in control. You can choose to speak out or not to. No one else can make that choice for you. Next time you want to do something like this, think of it like an experiment. Take your personal feelings out of it and decide not to care about the outcome, because the point is to see what happens for interest's sake. Think about it like a game where the object is to make everyone, including you, more comfortable. Come up with best way to do that, rationally, and then do it. Don't deviate from that course no matter what. Even if things start to go sour, don't change your tactic. If it doesn't work out then you can look at what you did wrong and change your method for the next time. You will be one step closer to doing it than before. If it works out then you found a way to solve things. Either way you end up better off than if you did nothing.
That is a very mature observation. What if you think of it in terms of balance? If you don't say anything, you are put in an uncomfortable position and it won't get better. If you do say something, they are put in an uncomfortable position. If you think about it like that, it doesn't seem so bad to switch it off of yourself once in a while. If you do say something, things can get better. Their discomfort may make you feel guilty, but don't worry. It is only temporary. If they don't want to make you uncomfortable then they will probably amend their behavior to make everyone comfortable. If so, you can avoid making anyone uncomfortable in the future. It's almost always better if people are honest with each other both ways so that the irritation doesn't go on to cause a long term cycle of annoyance and avoidance. Trust isn't a one-way street. You have no reason to feel bad if they are honest with you, too. Don't worry if you have trouble thinking of a way to tell someone they are annoying you. You can almost always present it in an inoffensive way. If you want to say, "It's annoying when you joke like that," you could say, "Can you please not joke like that?" instead. If you present it as a request between friends, it's harder for them to take offense. It's important to urge your friends to do the same to you so that everyone is happy and no one has to pretend to be having a good time when they are not.
Why do you fear that?
How can being open about yourself hurt you? Is how it hurt you in the past relevant to things now?
Can they be C4?
What are you asking for? Do you want yes's and no's, or something more?
I'm touched you still have that tag in your sig.
Love Me, I'm a Liberal by Phil Ochs
I Just Make Faces by The World/Inferno Friendship Society