Good morning! ....evil kitties? BUT I LUV KITTIES!!!! Oh! Say hi to my buddis: Fluff, Flower, Rapsody, and Spotter. They are my Beanie Baby Buddies! And if you haven't guessed by now... THEY ARE KITTIES!! ^^ *hugs all four kitties*
Yay! I got a million cookies! MY SHCOOL TOOK AWAY ALL OF THE GIANT CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES!!!!! :( 18606
"Sounds fine to me" Xaldin said to Xemnas. Then he listened to Luxord's plan and nodded his head. "Okay, also fine with me." As for Demyx, he was having a picnic with everything he found in the coconuts. Actually, he was having a picnic with ARIEL because he had miraculously found a Mega-Potion and Ariel, being the goody-girl she is, forgave him. In case readers are wondering, they are eating pie, apples, piece of beef (Demyx) and a seaweed salad (ariel). Yum.
Katsquatch is here! Give me cookies! 18604
*twitches* Did you say pudding...pie...? KATSQUATCH WANT THE PUDDING PIE!!!!
I speak Katsquatchian! XD 18564
I like Stephen King and one of my favorite books was The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver. That book was FANTASTIC. Real, funny, serious, suspenseful, and it ripped my heart out. I love that book.
I created a picture on Microsoft Picture it Premium 10 (and some other movie making program) for my signature, but the bytes are too big to upload from my computer. So I put it on Photobucket and put the URL for it in the signature editing space. Once again, the size was too big. How can I make it smaller without making the pixels all messed up or making it too small??
Hundred is too high of a number for my bored-rotted brain. I will stick with tens. 18562
Ghost of You- My Chemical Romance
Welcome to the forums! Like everyone said, read the rules and I already know you'll have a lot of fun. :) SMILIES FOR YOU! That depends. They are annoying and it's very difficult to understand a thing they type.
Not even the acorns! The trees are in on it too....*looks around suspiciously* I hate living in the woods. 18560....I HIT ANOTHER TEN!!! OH YEAH I ROCK!!!
Somebody Told Me- The Killers
Corny? I don't think crying over my kitty is I feel all bad.... *hugs my bean bag kittie* I shall always cherish you Flower!! And the dead kitten in the road didn't help any :(
I blame the timezones and squirrels... Darned squirrels.... 18558
18556 No, you're not alone!!!
What's This- Fall Out Boy (nighmare Before Christmas CD)
I am glad you added me too! Now I have a family that doesn't think RANDOM is a weird illness. YAY DANCES! You should see my cat soilders dance, it be funny!
Coolness! I is offically a memeber of the Random Family! I shall throw a party with my Kat army tonight and we'll eat fish! YAY FISH! *does a 'I'm In The Random Family, Yay Random' dance.