You can call me that :) See you later! Darned errors... Alrights, looks like I'm bouncing out now! :bounce:
Wombat! (I think I spelled that right....) XD this is fun!
Oh yeah. He was being funny I guess. My comp. is being stupid! It keeps bringing up this database error thing and it's driving me crazy!! :yelling: Anyways, aside from that I have to go. House needs cleaning and I've been on for almost 4 hours (which is long when you have Dial-Up, now there's only 6 hours left today)! :crybaby:
:poke: I am poking you. 18625...I GOT A FIVE!!!!
He was just singing some song. I don't really know either. BUT I SHALL PRETEND I DO!!! *is listening to sad song* Darn it!
Peace-and-War makes me think of art.
I'm blue, da ba dee da ba die I'm in love with kitties, kittie kittie kite, kittie kittie kite! *does kitty dance*
18623 Off topic but now I'm listening to Romanian music! By O-Zone! *dances like idiot*
I'm always confuzzled! :sweat:
see ya later then. I probably have to go (or I could clean the house and be on and pretend I wasn't >.>) I have dial-up and have been on for 3 hours! Wow....
I just saw a chipmunk! Luvs to the chipmunks!! I love the Irish unicorn sad...*sniff* POOR UNICORNS!!!
'Tis fine! I'm listening to Irish music! 18621 Oh hello Sorax!!
Yes yes. My cat army, my friends Koala army, and another friends Giraffe army are currently at war with them. Last I checked the squirrel base was in Russia....
Stupidity! XD
I'm starting to think the bunnies are with the squirrels. Me+Squirrels=:star-wars-smiley-02
18618 I got tackled! Again! Lalallalala....*hums kitty song*
I'm so bored. I should be finishing my video, fixing my sig, or cleaning the house. But am I? 'Cause G.I. Joe was swimming in the water and he wanted to know where the bubbles came from... o.0 I have issues
Somone who wants to own Kairi, Riku and Sora.....? Nothing really came to mind when I read yours.
Amazing! I had to talk at point 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000011111 miles an hour to get it to sound right! Bunnies hate me because I almost hit one with my bike.. >.> <.< *is in random mood*
Is my stupidity contagious?? Hope so!