I like the ring effect around his arm. Looks like a sorta vine (ish)
Umm... Here Normal sora moves like final 200F9000 10400005 200F9004 944F004C 200F9008 24010001 200F900C 142F0002 200F9010 240F0005 200F9014 A44F004E 200F9018 03E00008 201D14F4 0803E400 as for AR MAX... Normal sora moves like final JQT2-TKN9-0RV2M QC4U-XR0V-PN6A3 Q2Y8-VKNP-602QC 74R2-6GMY-J9VJX F9C2-RMWV-4UP6E 9ZF9-C0A9-TR1VP 20TX-F6VM-XE6UX R249-EBVG-RER0A NTJW-B0R3-DRUWK See whether it works. As for the others... All Drive Forms unlocked XAR1-XT9K-H121A 5VUV-CDHW-P20VU 6BJ6-X31T-X44P0 2UYK-BDX3-630CT 1EE0-BQKX-47M10 AM8P-6A2T-M1XN6 6Y05-40P9-6JVHY Try this one... IT might work.
Hey, for the bit against Marluxia, how does roxas perform his finisher, for ground and in air? Could somebody tell me what it is? And could i have a finish beserk code pls
It's just a UCM. and don't flame people.
MAX STATS 0032E02F 00000063 0032E029 000000FF 0032E02A 000000FF 0032E02B 000000FF Although i'm not sure whether it has all the stats or not...... Can anybody verify what the Max HP and Max MP are please? I rememberd them, then i forgot it.... EDIT: Does anybody have the final with limit model? and vice versa? from this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=szTVT20TdZg&feature=related
The color distractes the eye(our eyes, that is) before you actually realize the person there. But i like the red eye effect, copuled with the other blue eye. Overall, nice job!
Just keep levining up and you're bound to get it. Also, maybe check a guide ( i think Xaldin had 1 about a ability guide, might've been for KH1) or just use cheats that are avaliable at the code vault <3
Also, the caregivers really shrink give or take a year or 2. It's really scary. 2 years ago, before he had Alzheimer, she and looked more unfrail (he stopped coming down to greet us 3(?) years ago) and she looked kinda plump. Now, she just looks really gaunt
I like the different effects that trespire through the first and the second. But i think in the first one, the color effects look like they don't really fit together... Sorry if it doesn't sound right.
I like. Very clean and spacious background, even with the desktop icons <3
Nice! although, you could have put in a bit of color. But anyways, nice job for 30 mins
Anti pwns all. Even if you're stuck in it, just use cheats lol.
Hmmm... Roxas, for having 2 keyblades, and Xemnas for having 2 as well.
Reflect for pwning EVERYBODY!!!! And Gravity, for when i used cheats, pwned all the bosses.
Is there any way to make sora fly in every room? like in neverland/some places in the end of the world?
I think this should go in the "Help for Life" section. Other that that, beat him up, fight fire with fire, or ignore him.
Anybody got a drive into mickey code for wisdom?
NOES!!!! A DMA!!!! Aww.... I wanted the code... oh well...
Emulator. But PM him for codes etc. Emulator talk is not allowed on-site (don't know why really)
Hmm.... i'll probably sit home and watch TV. I'm not the outgoing person i used to be.... *sits on a chair, switches on the T.V and reaches for the popcorn*