Sweet! Can't wait for the real thing!
I like the toning of the greens! nice! made with G.I.M.P?
I Come from Malaysia. I only know 2 people who are on the forum who live in Malaysia.
Maybe. On the condition that the person does not do any thing apart from do their work so yeah...
I personally feel that the "shiki" text is spammed too much, and it clutteres the space up. But nice !
He's just being overprotective. Let him be, and remind him that he is being too defensive of you.
Getting to know him better would help alot. And if you think the time is ready, then ask him out, or let him ask you.
avvy:5/10 sig:5/10
i get a BSOD whenever i use this DW Mickey Code Spoiler DW Mickey 11CE0B68 00000318 21C9F26C 01000000 21C9F2B4 001C0001 21C9F2BC 0A000000 1032E020 00000029 21CD4AE0 00000769 21CD5888 58455F57 21CD588C 5F303130 21CD5890 464c5442 21CD5894 00004c5f 21CE267C 005B009B I'm also using free drive, no need to drive without party members, and a reaction mod for Pearl. Any suggestions why it's not working? or could somebody tell me the code that Erkz did, the one with the save point room mod, and the sight-seeing mod.
The attachment doesn't seem to work.... when i download it, it just gives me a html. EDIT: I found a way to bypass the php code. right click the attachment, and then save link as, and rename as a .zip
You can use OmniConvert, or MaxConvert. You can download them from this site but the codemasters project made it.
Bump. I'm still waiting for some codes. please.
in V1, the green is kinda glaring, whiting out the text. the text is kinda hard to read, but very nice and simple overall. :D
Love is confusing, but in most of the love movies, they always say it prevails. So yeah. Bleh. Some people must live with love, some people can live with love, and some people can't live with love. Just how the world works. To be a single or not? O.O
in kh1, camera movement is really dodgy, can't skip scenes, and items. KH2, nothing really.
O.O Never though about that.... Yeah, maybe... But why didn't they allow you to go there? like sora arrives there, and then see's kairi going into the darkness and he says NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO xD
Bored >.> and looking for codes lol
Ven, because he looks like Roxas, and Roxas fights like sora (one handed)
You made this? If you did, then Paint has some features that i've never seen before.
I beat KH2, then i beat Kh1.