Omg that look so cool ^^ its awsome you really look mental or something lol its reall good.
They sound pretty ^^ my boyfriends getting gold ones for halloween he's going as edward XD Y'know the Here we go again rp? I was thinking...
"Im not here to hurt him."she said suddenly softly"Im here to warn him....August never liked you River......he will kill you." "He never could beat me." "You dont know, do you?" "what?" "Riv, he was injected with some of your werewolf genes....which they took when you first joined."
what colour are they? :D I love contacts
"If he doesnt....he's dead within the next month." "Wow....Daddy being generous is he?" "My father doesnt want you dead...he wants you brother on the other hand wants to grind your face into the ground untill you no longer exsist."
Its ok ^^ i dont mind
she laughed,shaking her head slightly at her friend.
same a little tired
"Apparently not.."Mickey muttered as the blonde let his son go slowly"River...who is she?" "She's-" "Here to get him."Her yellow eyes narrowed once more.
"No you dont."she said
same ^^...
Hi ^^ long time no see or speak lol how's it going?
How are you today? :)
he laughed
"Then It'll be his fault."He sighed"But we dont want him in the hospital...River!" "Yeah?"He said making his way over "Take it easy on the booze Okay? your drinking it like water." "Dad....Im fi-"suddenly he was pinned against the wall,he gasped for asecond,air hissing between his teeth,he glared at the much smaller blonde girl pinning him against the wall "Summer?" The yellow eyes narrowed "Nice to see you remeber me....."
"He's....young....I dont think he's been out alot in the past 6 years....let him be." he's a idiot."
"Jealous git."
still sounds mega ouch
that sounds kinda painfull
"Well....."he said