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  1. SORA!
    "Might teach him a lesson..."
    Post by: SORA!, May 18, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. SORA!

    Time warp

    "I gave up ages ago..."
    Post by: SORA!, May 18, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. SORA!
    "I was talking to Jamei....she said something about us being family...that shes practically my niece....but i said she was Lyra's neice not mine then she said something and then said she wasnt supposed to say...what wasnt she meant to say?"
    Post by: SORA!, May 18, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. SORA!
    ooc-yeah...maybe before school

    "Wake him up...then sleep in his bed."
    Post by: SORA!, May 18, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. SORA!

    Time warp

    ooc-sorry if I take long....Im helping my mum

    "its not big enough for two!"
    Post by: SORA!, May 18, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. SORA!

    Time warp

    "I had it first though! you think he'd just let go!"

    "I wanna see it though!"
    Post by: SORA!, May 18, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. SORA!

    "Elle..."Jordan said"Can I ask you something?"
    Post by: SORA!, May 18, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. SORA!
    ooc-oh yeah lol XD

    "Didnt even hear him..."

    "You sleep like a rock..."she said
    Post by: SORA!, May 18, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. SORA!

    Time warp

    ooc-sure ^^

    "Jordan....let go"

    "Alex....your gonna rip it."Jordan literally had his foot against Alex's chest trying to heave the book from his grasp

    Lyra,who was painting her nails bright red looked up now and then to tut or sigh or roll her eyes, this had been going on for the past half hour.
    Post by: SORA!, May 18, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. SORA!
    "Awww...."she said dissapointedly

    "I'll ask your mum...she normaly tells me stuff."
    Post by: SORA!, May 18, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. SORA!
    ooc-they're just teens sent back lol I probably should have explained that ^^; sorry .

    River,who hadnt budged all night,was hiding his face in the pillow,now and then he would twicht his leg or let out a snore.

    Elena made her way slowly down stairs looking tired and slightly annoyed

    "Whats up?"Mickey asked

    "River."she said the name as if it were a curse "he did nothing but snore last kept me up"she said running a hand through her messy curls
    Post by: SORA!, May 18, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. SORA!

    Time warp

    ooc-cool your in ^^
    Post by: SORA!, May 18, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. SORA!
    "How long untill I can play with the baby?"

    "Ok then I will...who am I more likely to get answers from?"
    Post by: SORA!, May 18, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. SORA!
    he headed back downstairs

    Post by: SORA!, May 18, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. SORA!
    "Oh."she said nodding as if understanding "It might get hurt?"

    "I will..?"He said sounding if his statement was a question
    Post by: SORA!, May 18, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. SORA!
    "Well If your sure....I'll see you in the mornning Kiddo....or later on in the mornning..."he said grinning
    Post by: SORA!, May 18, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. SORA!
    "That doesnt sound very comfy....I could move him you know...."
    Post by: SORA!, May 18, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. SORA!
    "Really? what do they do then?"she asked looking confused"dont they like playing?"

    "Alex? why him?"he said going into the living room
    Post by: SORA!, May 18, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. SORA!
    "Either smack him or do you want me to set up a bed on the sofa?"
    Post by: SORA!, May 18, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. SORA!
    he backed up slightly,just as he would from Elle."Ok ok...."he muttered

    Her eyes widened "Really?"she gasped "Yay!....its gonna be a girl you I can play dolls with and dress up and do her hair..."she ranted on
    Post by: SORA!, May 18, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home