How are you?
Oh hai thereee
Hai Tampex, Its REY REY CHAN >_> How I hate that name
I see you are Ampex
Oh hai there
We love you too?
Thank you ^__^ I didnt want to check Wiki just in case it gave me false infomation
I would give you a gift, but I dont wanna do the orgy.
Even the part when she's trying to sleep and her dad is roleplaying with the wife? Win.
I thought it said "Pokemon" for a second... You guys make me happy with your posts.
Yes.... >__> I had this told to me before.
Oh lawl, this made me laugh
Yeah, I have to finish Chobits too.. >___>
Wow...this acutally makes sense... Im going to read the books again with this in mind ;D
I promised you a VM didnt I? I HOPE YOUR HAVING FUN DX AND REMEMBER NO GLOVE, NO *shot shot shot* Nah, really just be safe and have the most...
Bother you nao
Avatar: 7/10 (lol I made it XD) Signature: 8/10, I like it...
Yes, change it to Hideki :lolface:
Your avatar makes me laugh
It would be awesome if I go to Hamilton. I want to do Asian Studies or International Relations.