I lol'd when I heard about this, I mean why do we have to lie about the landing on the moon just to get brownie points and be "Awesome America" and stuff like that. I think it happened, but we will never really know, because we were not there.
I think that we live in our own reality, or how we see the world, wich can include our fantasies and our dreams. So it depends on the person and how they view the world.
>3 You guys should go to Downtown Disney, that place is soooo much fun.
Well, I used to Intern at an office, putting important papers in files, taking calls, etc. and then that went under when it was over. And I used to work a bit at my brothers sneaker store...for about 3 weeks till I got bored with the job and left.
Your avatar scares me....but I cant help just keep staring at it.
Ugh, that sucks. I wanted these glasses that were really nice but cost like a lot, and I was begging my mom to get me them. And my old glasses are...
I dont think porn is harmful at all, depending on the way you take it...if you watch it and follow the postions and such with your lover. Thats fine, it refreshes your love life and brings spice in the sex. But if you do it in a sick manner *IE-Child Porn, Rape...ETC.* then it will harm others in the process
Hi Faytttt
Nuuuu, lies...inuyasha is totally not kawiii desu desu, like....um.....totally spies is
No wai, really?
>3 Lol....Well otay *throws him in* now its cooking
Okay, so we have our Chef Kirby here....
Tomato or Chicken Soup?
thats the new fighting game for the PS3...
What do you want, I can make Soup or Pasta?
dooop doop be doooop
Ohai First Impression of me? Now? Were you sad when Misty left pokemon? Fave. Water Type Pokemon? Fave Manga? Fave Anime? That big duck....I've seen it before, is it in LI?
Thanks, I tried. At least its not like the My Immortal fanfic O_O
>: I shall get one then.