I think to should do Kyoya or Negi.....but I also like rude
Oops, Damn Neji from naruto.. I read the manga the other day...It should not be hard to cosplay as him.
Whuts Todora?
Why dont you be Neji Springfield from NEGIMA!?
Thats the best, how did you get it? And the brusing will hurt for awhile...since its a fall
Are you okay? And you watch sailor moon....I WANNA JOIN DX
Yes, but its for close friends only >_> I dunno...ask him.
We saw What's face on webcam. **** was epic. and he looks totally awesome >: D
Oh yeah, I remember this book I had on Manga explained the different kinds of Manga.
I see...isnt seinen like shounen?
Nah, not really. It would be cool to acutally meet one day. And I PROMISE im not a pedo/molester/serial killer
But she didnt say anywhere that she hated it for those reasons. Anyway... If you have a big musical taste, try these bands : D Justice ABBA Rosin Murphy Lady Gaga (her old songs though...) Queen David Bowie. More to come, I have to check my itunes.
They made Twilight a Manga...so why not this? They also made a Disney Princess one also
Well, I geuss that since shojo appeals more to girls, they think they only care for the story, not the art. I like some of the stories in them, but HATE the art sometimes.
I acutally like Shojo manga...>_> Some artists are great...while others lack. But I want to read this now, just to see if the story plays out well in manga form.
You already know where I live .-. down to the exact point.
I have a twitter but I hardly use it...I mean I use facebook more because your able to communicate with your family members and friends.
Yush, You shall, I know you will :3
:3 I hope you guys do have fun ;__; I want this to happen like...so bad.
doeet, you will have fun. If you go out to eat with him, you should go to planet hollywood. The waiters I heard dress up as famous people I...